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Arts and Sciences

1. Administration & Military:

Dharma and Artha Shastra: (Administration, Economy and Military)

Manusmriti -- by Shyambhuva Manu → Ancient Text on Dharma
Yajnavalkya Smriti -- by sage Yajnavalkya → Ancient Text on Dharma
Arthashastra -- by Kautilya or Chanakya → Ancient Text on Statecraft (Politics, Economics, Military)
Manasollasa -- by king Someshvara III → Ancient Text covering several topics (Statecraft, Music, Astrology, Medicine etc.)
Dhanurveda -- exact author unknown → Ancient Text on Archery and Warfare

2. Agriculture & Horticulture:

Krishi: (Agriculture and Horticulture)

Krishi Parashara -- author unknown → Ancient Text on Agriculture
Kashyapa Krishi Sukta -- by sage Kashyapa → Ancient Text on Agriculture
Upavana-Vinoda -- author unknown → Ancient Text on Arbori-Horticulture
Vrikshayurveda -- by Surapala → Ancient Text of Ayurveda for Plants

3. Cooking & Food Preparation:

Paka: (Cooking)

Paka Darpana -- by Nala → Text on Cooking

4. Health & Medicine:

Ayurveda: (Ancient Medical System)

Charaka Samhita -- by sage Charaka → Foundational Text of Ayurveda
Sushruta Samhita -- by Sushruta → Foundational Text of Ayurveda
Bhela Samhita -- by sage Bhela → Ancient Text of Ayurveda
Ashtanga Hridayam -- by Vagbhata → Ancient Text of Ayurveda

5. Music & Dance:

Sangeeta and Natya: (Music and Dance)

Sangeeta Ratnakara -- by Sharangadeva → Text on Music and Dance
Natya Shastra -- by Bharata Muni → Text of Music, Dance, Acting etc.
Abhinaya Darpana -- by Nandikeshwara → Text on Dance

6. Building & Architecture:

Shilpa: (Arts and Crafts)

Kashyapa Shilpa Shastra -- by sage Kashyapa → Text on Deity Iconography, Temple Construction etc.
Vishwakarma Prakasha -- by sage Abhaya Katyayana → Text on building Houses based on Vastu principles
Manasara -- author unknown → Text on Architecture (Temples, Houses, Gardens, Sculptures etc.)
Diptagama -- author unknown → Text on Installation of Images in Shiva Temples
Manushyalaya Chandrika -- by Thirumangalath → Text on various aspects of Construction of House
Shilpa Ratna Kosa -- by Sthapaka Niranjana Mahapatra → Text on parts of Temple of Odisha

7. Astronomy & Astrology:

Jyotisha: (Astrology)

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra -- by sage Parashara → Ancient Text of Vedic Astrology
Brihat Samhita -- by Varahamihira → Text of Astrology, Astronomy and other topics

8. Yoga & Meditation:

Yoga: (Yoga and Meditation)

Brahma Sutras -- by sage Vyasa → Expounds the philosophy of Vedanta
Shiva Sutras -- by Vasugupta → Foundation of Kashmir Shaivism
Patanjali Yoga Sutras -- by sage Patanjali → Yoga Sutras of Ashtanga Yoga
Karma Yoga -- by Swami Vivekananda → Yoga through Work and Action
Bhakti Yoga -- by Swami Vivekananda → Yoga through Devotion to God
Jnana Yoga -- by Swami Vivekananda → Yoga through Discrimination and Knowledge
Raja Yoga -- by Swami Vivekananda → Yoga through Ashtanga Yoga

Yogasanas: (Yoga postures)

Gheranda Samhita -- by sage Gheranda → Text of Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga Pradipika -- by Swami Swatmarama → Text of Hatha Yoga
Shiva Samhita -- by unknown author → Text of Hatha Yoga
Hatha Ratnavali -- by Srinivasa Yogi → Text of Hatha Yoga

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:






Saints - Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana




Arts and Sciences


Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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