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Siddhashrama Kshetra (Buxar Vamaneshwar Dham) - Pilgrimages and Temples
Siddhashrama Kshetra (Buxar Vamaneshwar Dham) - Pilgrimages and Temples
• Meditation:

► I meditate on
Sri Rama hearing the story of the Vamana Avatara of Lord Vishnu at
► I meditate on
Sri Rama protecting the Yagna of sage Vishwamitra at
Siddhashrama and making it accomplished (Siddha).
• Buxar Vamaneshwar Dham Overview:
Siddhashrama Kshetra (Buxar Vamaneshwar Dham):

Puranic Siddhashrama Kshetra is identified with:
Buxar Vamaneshwar Dham (Buxar district, Bihar):
Sage Kashyapa and Devi Aditi performing penance at Siddhashrama: Sage Kashyapa and Devi Aditi performed penance at Siddhashrama to get Lord Vishnu as their son. Since their penance got accomplished here, hence the hermitage is known as Siddhashrama.
Lord Vishnu incarnating as Vamana at Siddhashrama: Lord Vishnu performed penance at Siddhashrama and incarnated as Vamana Avatara.
Sage Vishwamitra staying at Siddhashrama: Sage Vishwamitra had his hermitage at Siddhashrama.
Sri Rama hearing about Vamana Avatara: Sri Rama visited
Siddhashrama and heard about the Vamana Avatara of Lord Vishnu in that place.
Sri Rama protecting Yagna of sage Vishwamitra: Sri Rama protected the Yagna of sage Vishwamitra from the demons at Siddhashrama.
Puranic References:
Valmiki Ramayana - Bala Kanda - 28 to 31 (About Sri Rama visiting Siddhashrama)
• Places to See:
Presence of Lord Vamana in Siddhashrama: |

1. Lord Vamana incarnated at Siddhashrama.
(Valmiki Ramayana - Bala Kanda - 28 to 29)

► Vamaneshwar Dham
Vamaneshwar Dham is identified with Siddhashrama where Sri Rama where Sri Rama heard about Vamana Avatara and protected the yagna of sage Vishwamitra.
Presence of Sri Rama in Siddhashrama: |

1. Sri Rama visited Siddhashrama and heard the story of the Vamana Avatara of Lord Vishnu from sage Vishwamitra.
(Valmiki Ramayana - Bala Kanda - 28 to 29)
2. Sri Rama protected the yagna of sage Vishwamitra at Siddhashrama from the attack of demons.
(Valmiki Ramayana - Bala Kanda - 30 to 31)

► Vamaneshwar Dham
Vamaneshwar Dham is identified with Siddhashrama where Sri Rama where Sri Rama heard about Vamana Avatara and protected the yagna of sage Vishwamitra.
• Location:
Vamaneshwar Dham is located in the
Buxar district of
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