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Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga
Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga
Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga: Shiva-Parvati coming to meet their son Kumara and abiding as Jyoti:
(Shiva Purana - Koti Rudra Samhita - 15)

श्रीशैले मल्लिकार्जुनम् (Shrishaile Mallikarjunam)
Meditation: I meditate on Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga where Shiva-Parvati came to meet their son Kumara and abided as Jyoti.
Kumara leaving Kailasha: When Kumara (Kartikeya) reached Kailasha after going around the entire earth, Devarshi Narada arrived there and told Kumara about the marriage of Ganesha and other events. Narada also indicated that Kumara was deliberately sent to take a round around the earth. Hearing this, Kumara saluted his parents and left towards
Krauncha mountain inspite of his parents trying to prevent him.
Shiva-Parvati going to meet Kumara: Getting separated from Kumara, his mother Girija became very sorrowful. Shiva tried to console her but Parvati did not listen. Then Shiva sent the gods, sages and ganas to bring back Kumara. But Kumara out of arrogance did not listen to them. Then Shiva and Parvati both felt sorrowful. They went to the place where Kumara was abiding. Kumara knowing about the arrival of his parents, left Krauncha mountain and moved to a place three yojanas away. After the departure of Kumara from the Krauncha mountain, both Shiva and Parvati abided there in the form of Jyoti. Out of their love for their son, Shiva and Parvati continued to go there to see their son, Shiva during Amavasya and Parvati during Poornima. From that day, Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga became famous in the three worlds. Whoever sees this Jyotirlinga becomes free from sins and all his desires are fulfilled. He does not have to take birth again from the womb. He becomes prosperous in this world with foodgrains and riches.

Shrishailam Mallikarjuna Bhramaramba (
Shrishaila Mountain)
(Nandyal district, Andhra Pradesh)
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