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Rameshwara Jyotirlinga
Rameshwara Jyotirlinga
Rameshwara Jyotirlinga: Lord Shiva granting boon to Sri Rama for victory against Ravana:
(Shiva Purana - Koti Rudra Samhita - 31)

सेतुबंधे रामेशम् (Setubandhe Ramesham)
Meditation: I meditate on the Rameshwara Jyotirlinga where Lord Shiva granted boon to Sri Rama for victory against Ravana.
Sri Rama worshipping Lord Shiva: When Sri Rama came to know that Devi Sita was in Lanka, he marched with a huge army of vanaras and camped on the shore of the
Southern Sea. There, Sri Rama made a Parthiva Linga and worshipped Lord Shiva with sixteen types of ritualistic worships. He prayed to Lord Shiva with great devotion to bless him for the victory of his mission against Ravana (who was also a devotee of Shiva). Sri Rama worshipped Lord Shiva again and again; he recited mantras, meditated and danced before the Lord. His heart was overwhelmed with devotional love.
Lord Shiva giving boon to Sri Rama: Shiva became very pleased and appeared before Rama. He told Rama to ask for a boon. Sri Rama eulogized Lord Shiva and prayed for victory against Ravana. Shiva granted him the boon. Sri Rama further requested Shiva to reside in the Linga for the welfare of all people. Shiva took the form of a Linga and resided there. The Linga became famous in the world as Rameshwara. This Linga fulfils the wishes of the devotees and grants prosperity and salvation. Whoever worships this Shiva Linga with Ganga water with great devotion becomes a Jivanamukta.

Rameshwaram (
Rameshwaram Sea shore)
(Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu)
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