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Sadyojata Incarnation
Sadyojata Incarnation
(Shiva Purana - Shata Rudra Samhita - 1)
Meditation: I meditate on the
Sadyojata Incarnation of Shiva of white complexion who is associated with Earth.
Events: In the nineteenth kalpa known as Shwetalohita, Brahma meditated on the Supreme Brahman. A son appeared having white complexion with a tuft in the head. Brahma knowing Him as the
Sadyojata Incarnation of Shiva started meditating on Him. As he meditated, four sons of white complexion were born Who were of the nature of Supreme Brahman. They were known as Sunanda, Nandana, Vishwananda and Upananda. The Sadyojata Incarnation bestowed knowledge and creative powers to Brahma.
The Sadyojata Incarnation is associated with Bhuvan (Earth) and Gandha & Ghrana (Smell).
एकोनविंशकः कल्पो विज्ञेयः श्वेतलोहितः ।
सद्योजातावतारस्तु प्रथमः परिकीर्तितः ॥५॥
तस्मिंस्तत्परमं ब्रह्म ध्यायतो ब्रह्मणस्तथा ।
उत्पन्नस्तु शिखायुक्तः कुमारः श्वेतलोहितः ॥६॥
Eko[a-U]navimshakah Kalpo Vijnyeyah Shvetalohitah |
Sadyojaata-Avataaras-Tu Prathamah Parikiirtitah ||5||
Tasmins-Tat-Paramam Brahma Dhyaayato Brahmannas-Tathaa |
Utpannas-Tu Shikhaa-Yuktah Kumaarah Shvetalohitah ||6||
1: In the nineteenth kalpa known as Shwetalohita,
2: (Lord Shiva) first incarnated as
Sadyojata Incarnation.
3: During that time Lord Brahma meditated on the Supreme Brahman,
4: (Then) A son appeared having white complexion with a tuft in the head.
तं दृष्ट्वा पुरुषं ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मरूपिणमीश्वरम् ।
ज्ञात्वा ध्यात्वा स हृदये ववन्दे प्रयताञ्जलिः ॥७॥
सद्योजातं शिवं बुद्ध्वा जहर्ष भुवनेश्वरः ।
मुहुर्मुहुश्च सद्बुद्ध्या परं तं समचिन्तयत् ॥८॥
Tam Drssttvaa Purussam Brahmaa Brahma-Ruupinnam-Iishvaram |
Jnyaatvaa Dhyaatvaa Sa Hrdaye Vavande Prayataan.jalih ||7||
Sadyojaatam Shivam Buddhvaa Jaharssa Bhuvaneshvarah |
Muhurmuhush-Ca Sadbuddhyaa Param Tam Samacintayat ||8||
1: Lord Brahma, seeing that Purusha who was an Ishwara of the form of Supreme Brahman,
2: Knowing his supreme nature meditated in his heart and worshipped him with folded hands,
3: (Then) coming to know that it was the Sadyojata Incarnation of Shiva, (Lord Brahma) was filled with great joy.
4: He repeatedly meditated on that form with the knowledge that it was the Supreme (deity).
ततोऽस्य ध्यायतः श्वेताः प्रादुर्भूता यशस्विनः ।
कुमाराः परविज्ञानपरब्रह्मस्वरूपिणः ॥९॥
सुनन्दो नन्दनश्चैव विश्वनन्दोपनन्दनौ ।
शिष्यास्तस्य महात्मानो यैस्तद्ब्रह्म समावृतम् ॥१०॥
Tatosya Dhyaayatah Shvetaah Praadurbhuutaa Yashasvinah |
Kumaaraah Paravijnyaana-Parabrahma-Svaruupinnah ||9||
Sunando Nandanash-Caiva Vishvanando[a-U]panandanau |
Shissyaas-Tasya Mahaatmaano Yais-Tad-Brahma Samaavrtam ||10||
1: Then, while he meditated there appeared (four) glorious white-complexioned ...
2: ... sons, who were of the form of Supreme Brahman,
3: (They were known as) Sunanda, Nandana, Vishwananda and Upananda,
4: They were the disciples of him and were Mahatmas; and they surrounded that Brahman.
सद्योजातश्च वै शम्भुर्ददौ ज्ञानं च वेधसे ।
सर्गशक्तिमपि प्रीत्या प्रसन्नः परमेश्वरः ॥११॥
Sadyojaatash-Ca Vai Shambhur-Dadau Jnyaanam Ca Vedhase |
Sarga-Shaktim-Api Priityaa Prasannah Parameshvarah ||11||
1: The Sadyojata Incarnation of Shambhu bestowed knowledge to Vedhasa (i.e. Brahma),
2: And being pleased also bestowed him with creative powers.
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