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Vamadeva Incarnation

(Shiva Purana - Shata Rudra Samhita - 1)

ShivaMeditation: I meditate on the Vamadeva Incarnation of Shiva of red complexion who is associated with Water.

Events: In the twentieth kalpa known as Rakta, Brahma meditated to get a son. A son appeared with red eyes, clad in red garments and adorned with red garlands. Knowing Him to be the Vamadeva Incarnation of Shiva, Brahma worshipped Him with folded hands. Then four sons appeared clad in red garments. They were known as Viraja, Vivaha, Vishoka and Vishwabhavana. The Vamadeva Incarnation bestowed knowledge and creative powers to Brahma.

The Vamadeva Incarnation is associated with Apas (Water) and Rasa (Taste).


ततो विंशतिमः कल्पो रक्तो नाम प्रकीर्तितः ।
ब्रह्मा यत्र महातेजो रक्तवर्णमधारयत् ॥१२॥
ध्यायतः पुत्रकामस्य प्रादुर्भूतो विधेः सुतः ।
रक्तमाल्याम्बरधरो रक्ताक्षो रक्तभूषणः॥१३॥
Tato Vimshatimah Kalpo Rakto Naama Prakiirtitah |
Brahmaa Yatra Mahaatejo Raktavarnnam-Adhaarayat ||12||
Dhyaayatah Putra-Kaamasya Praadurbhuuto Vidheh Sutah |
Rakta-Maalya-Ambara-Dharo Rakta-Aksso Rakta-Bhuussannah||13||

1: Then during the twentieth kalpa known as Rakta,
2: Brahma assumed the great splendour of red color.
3: Brahma meditated for getting a son; and a son of Vidhi (Brahma) appeared,
4: He was clad in red garments and wearing red garlands and ornaments; his eyes were (also) red.

स तं दृष्ट्वा महात्मानं कुमारं ध्यानमाश्रितः ।
वामदेवं शिवं ज्ञात्वा प्रणनाम कृताञ्जलिः ॥१४॥
ततस्तस्य सुता ह्यासंश्चत्वारो रक्तवाससः ।
विरजाश्च विवाहश्च विशोको विश्वभावनः ॥१५॥
Sa Tam Drssttvaa Mahaatmaanam Kumaaram Dhyaanamaashritah |
Vaamadevam Shivam Jnyaatvaa Prannanaama Krtaan.jalih ||14||
Tatas-Tasya Sutaa Hyaasamsh-Catvaaro Rakta-Vaasasah |
Virajaash-Ca Vivaahash-Ca Vishoko Vishvabhaavanah ||15||

1: Seeing the great-souled son, (Brahma again) took refuge of meditation (to know who he was),
2: Coming to know that he was the Vamadeva Incarnation of Shiva, (Brahma) saluted him with folded hands.
3: Then four sons appeared who were clad in red garments,
4: They were known as Viraja, Vivaha, Vishoka and Vishwabhavana.

वामदेवः स वै शम्भुर्ददौ ज्ञानं च वेधसे ।
सर्गशक्तिमपि प्रीत्या प्रसन्नः परमेश्वरः ॥१६॥
Vaamadevah Sa Vai Shambhur-Dadau Jnyaanam Ca Vedhase |
Sarga-Shaktim-Api Priityaa Prasannah Parameshvarah ||16||

1: The Vamadeva Incarnation of Shambhu bestowed knowledge to Vedhasa (i.e. Brahma),
2: And being pleased also bestowed him with creative powers.

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Last updated on Dec-2024

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