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Sri Ramakrishna getting absorbed in the mood of Christianity

Sri Ramakrishna getting absorbed in the mood of Christianity:

Christianity - Child Jesus Events:

Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 21: Sri Ramakrishna getting absorbed in the mood of Christianity: Sri Ramakrishna saw the picture of child Jesus on the lap of his mother in the parlour of Jadunath Mallick. He intently looked at the picture and contemplated on the extraordinary life of Jesus.

He felt that the picture became alive and effulgent rays of light came out from the bodies of the mother and the Child. The rays entered into his heart and brought a radical change in his mind. The Hindu impressions disappeared in a secluded corner of his mind and in its place arose impressions of the Christian faith. Sri Ramakrishna prayed to the Mother: "What strange changes are You bringing in me, Mother?" But nothing availed. The mood of the reverence of Jesus completely occupied his mind. He saw Christian padrees offering incense and light before the image of Jesus in the Church. The eagerness of their hearts and earnestness of their prayers were revealed to Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna returned to Dakshineshwar in that state.

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Last updated on Jan-2025

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