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Sri Ramakrishna seeing the picture of Jesus
Sri Ramakrishna seeing the picture of Jesus
Sri Ramakrishna seeing the picture of Jesus:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 21: Sri Ramakrishna seeing the picture of Jesus: Sambhuchandra Mallick often read the bible to Sri Ramakrishna. Through this, Sri Ramakrishna came to know of the pure life of Jesus and about the religion of Christianity. This gave rise to his mind to experience God through this path also. The Divine Mother fulfilled his wish soon after.
Sri Ramakrishna often visited the garden house of Jadunath Mallick situated towards the south of the Kali temple of Dakshineshwar. When Jadhunath was not there he often waited in the parlour of the house. Once he went there and was sitting in the parlour of the house. In that parlour, there were many pictures hanging from the walls. One of them was that of child Jesus on the lap of his mother. Sri Ramakrishna intently looked at the picture and thought of the extraordinary life of Jesus.
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