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Sri Ramakrishna getting initiated in Islam Sadhana
Sri Ramakrishna getting initiated in Islam Sadhana
Sri Ramakrishna getting initiated in Islam Sadhana:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 16: Sri Ramakrishna getting initiated in Islam Sadhana: Sri Ramakrishna was attracted towards Govinda for his sincere faith and love of God. The desire to practice Islamic religion came to his mind.
Sri Ramakrishna thought: "This also is a path to the realization of God; the sportive Mother, the source of infinite Lila, has been blessing many people with the attainment of Her lotus feet through this path also. I must see how through it She makes those who take refuge in Her, attain their desired end. I'll be initiated by Govinda and engage myself in the practice of that spiritual mood."
Sri Ramakrishna expressed his desire to Govinda. Govinda initiated him in Islam Sadhana. Sri Ramakrishna engaged himself in practising Islam according to its prescribed rules.
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