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Sri Ramakrishna calling on the Divine Mother
Sri Ramakrishna calling on the Divine Mother
Sri Ramakrishna calling on the Divine Mother:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna calling on the Divine Mother with great yearning to have Her vision.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6)
Sri Ramakrishna calling on the Divine Mother:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6: Calling on the Divine Mother with great yearning: After the death of Ramkumar, Sri Ramakrishna applied himself more closely to the worship of the Divine Mother. He eagerly did what he thought to be favorable to have Her vision. He sang devotional songs with heart filled with profound emotion. He thought: "Devotees like Ramprasad had the vision of the Mother. So it is certain that the Mother of the universe is realiable; why can I not then be blessed with Her vision?" He used to call with great yearning, "Mother, You showed Yourself to Ramprasad, why then should You not reveal Yourself to me? I don't want wealth, friends, relatives, enjoyment of pleasure and the like. Do reveal Yourself to me." He would pray and cry like this and his bosom would become filled with tears from his eyes.
Weeping and Praying: One day while singing for the Divine Mother he wept and eagerly prayed to Her saying: "Do You not, O Mother, hear even a little of so many prayers I say to You? You showed Yourself to Ramprasad. Why should You not then reveal Yourself to me?"
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 Ch 8: Calling on the Divine Mother with intense eagerness: The eagerness of Sri Ramakrishna was such that he paid no attention even to the preservation of his life. The impulse of that intense eagerness transformed him completely. Sri Ramakrishna said: "As there was no attention at all at that time to the cleaning of the body, the hairs of the head became long and got matted owing to the dirt and dust adhering to them. At the time of meditation the body used to become motionless like the trunk of a tree. Thinking it to be an inert thing, birds came and remained sitting on the head without any hesitation and stirred up the dust in the hair in search of small particles of rice. Again, impatient on account of the separation from the divine Lord, I rubbed my face against the ground so vehemently that it got cut and bruised and bled in many places. I had no consciousness of how the whole day slipped away in prayer, meditation, devotional exercises, offering of the self, and so on. When afterwards, at the approach of the evening, conch-shells were blown and bells rung, I remembered that the day was at an end. Another day passed in vain; and I had not yet seen the Mother. Intense sorrow seized me and made the heart so restless that I could no longer remain calm. I threw myself violently on the ground saying: 'Mother, You have not shown Yourself to me even yet'. I filled the quarters with wailing and struggled on account of pain. People said, 'He has colic pain and that is why he is crying so much'."
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 Ch 6: Goddess will be awakened soon: Sri Ramakrishna's devotion and spiritual zeal attracted the attention of people in the temple. Some derided him at first. Some started revering him. It is said that seeing the worship of Sri Ramakrishna, Mathur Babu said to Rani Rashmani: "We have got an extraordinary worshipper; the Goddess will be awakened very soon".
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