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Sri Ramakrishna cleaning leaf-plates
Sri Ramakrishna cleaning leaf-plates
Sri Ramakrishna cleaning leaf-plates:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna who ate as prasada leavings from the leaf-plates of the poor fed in the temple of the Divine Mother, considering the presence of Shiva (God) in Jiva (being).
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6)
Sri Ramakrishna cleaning leaf-plates:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6: Renouncing both mentally and physically: Sri Ramakrishna was not satisfied by merely renouncing the obstacles to God-realization mentally, but he undertook practices to discard them physically also as far as possible. He compelled his body and senses to act contrary to their natural inclinations thus destroying their past impressions. His body and mind thus became a fit instrument to be wholly directed to God and call on the Divine with a whole heart.
Cleaning leaf-plates considering Shiva in Jiva: Thus in order to firmly establish the knowledge that Shiva is in all Jivas, he ate as prasada the leavings from the leaf-plates of the poor who were fed in the temple of the Divine Mother. Then he carried those plates on the bank of river Ganga and cleaned the place with his own hands. He was happy that he was able to render a little service to God with his mortal body.
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