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Dropping off of external worship due to intense devotion

Dropping off of external worship due to intense devotion:

Dakshineshwar Kali Meditation:

I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna whose external worship dropped off due to his intense devotion towards the Divine Mother.

(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7)

Dropping off of external worship due to intense devotion:

Dakshineshwar Kali Events:

Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7: Worship of Sri Ramakrishna becoming spontaneous out of intense devotion: When the devotion of Sri Ramakrishna towards the Divine Mother became intense, and reached the stage of exalted bliss due to enjoying the constant company of the Divine Mother, he was unable to continue the formal service of the Divine Mother in the ritualistic manner. His worship became spontaneous. He served the Divine Mother whensoever and howsoever he liked. He talked with the Divine Mother, sang for Her, decorated Her and fed Her with his own hands. Sometimes he was totally merged in the Consciousness of the Divine Mother. During that time he felt no separate existence left. In that moment sometimes he decorated himself with flowers and sandal-paste meant for the worship of the Divine Mother. Sometimes he took the food meant for the offering of the Divine Mother.

Sri Ramakrishna unable to bear the separation from the Divine Mother: When he felt separation from the Divine Mother even for a short while, an overwhelming restlessness came upon him. He threw himself violently on the ground rubbing his face against it. His face got bruised and he vehemently wailed for the vision of the Divine Mother. Immediately afterwards when he got the vision his anguish vanished and he beamed with joy.

Divine Mother dropping off the external worship of Sri Ramakrishna: When the devotion of Sri Ramakrishna reached the stage of exalted devotion, the Divine Mother dropped off his external worship. Sri Ramakrishna used to illustrate this with an example. He said: "The mother-in-law allows her daughter-in-law to eat all kinds of food and do all manner of work till she conceives; but as soon as she is with child, a little discrimination about food and work begins. Later, as she is in an advanced stage, her work gets extremely limited. When gradually she approaches parturition, she is not given any work at all, lest harm should befall the embryo. And when at last the baby is born, her days are spent only in caressing it."

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Last updated on Jan-2025

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