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Experiencing the world as dream against the higher Reality of Divine Consciousness
Experiencing the world as dream against the higher Reality of Divine Consciousness
Experiencing the world as dream against the higher Reality of Divine Consciousness:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna who intimately experienced the Conscious form of the Divine Mother against which the world appeared to him like dream.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7)
Experiencing the world as dream against the higher Reality of Divine Consciousness:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7: Experiencing the world as dream against the higher Reality of Divine Consciousness: The first vision of Sri Ramakrishna, of the Conscious form of the Divine Mother, brought a great inner transformation in him. Now his individuality was as if absorbed in the Conscious form of the Divine Mother. There was a childlike simplicity and sweetness in him, and complete dependence on the Divine Mother. Since his spontaneous behaviour differed from the usual conduct of the world, there was lot of gossip around him. However all these did not reach his ears. Experiencing intimately the Bliss-Consciousness of the Divine Mother the world appeared to him like dream. Though of the world, he was not of it. The higher dimension of life was revealed to him by the Divine Mother where the Divine Consciousness was more real than the external world.
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