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Sri Ramakrishna having the first vision of the Divine Mother
Sri Ramakrishna having the first vision of the Divine Mother
Sri Ramakrishna having the first vision of the Divine Mother:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna having the first vision of the Divine Mother as a Conscious sea of Light.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6)
Sri Ramakrishna having the first vision of the Divine Mother:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6: Intolerable anguish to have the vision of the Divine Mother: As Sri Ramakrishna applied himself more intensely to the worship of the Divine Mother, his devotion and eagerness to have Her vision kept on increasing. His mind was incessantly flowing towards the Mother as a river incessantly flows towards the sea. His chest was reddish with the constant flow of blood, and his eyes were filled with tears crying pitiably to the Divine Mother to show Her vision. His anguish was becoming intolerable day-by-day.
First vision of the Divine Mother: Sri Ramakrishna said: "There was then an intolerable anguish in my heart because I could not have Her vision. Just as a man wrings a towel forcibly to squeeze out all the water from it, I felt that somebody caught hold of my heart and mind and was doing so with them. Greatly afflicted with the thought that I might never have Mother's vision, I was dying of despair. Being in an agony I thought that there was then no use in living this life. My eyes suddenly fell upon the sword that was there in the Mother's temple. I made up my mind to put an end to my life with it that very moment. Like one mad, I ran and caught hold of it, when suddenly I had the wonderful vision of the Mother, and fell down unconscious. I did not know what happened then in the external world - how that day and the next day slipped away. But, in my heart of hearts, there was flowing a current of intense bliss, never experienced before, and I had the immediate knowledge of the Light that was Mother."
Conscious sea of Light: On another occasion Sri Ramakrishna described about his first vision as: "It was as if houses, doors, temples and all other things vanished altogether; as if there was nothing anywhere; And what I saw was a boundless infinite Conscious sea of Light! However far and in whatever direction I looked, I found a continuous succession of effulgent waves coming forward, raging and storming from all sides with a great speed. Very soon they fell on me and made me sink to the unknown bottom. I panted, struggled and fell unconscious."
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