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Merging of individual will in the Will of the Divine Mother
Merging of individual will in the Will of the Divine Mother
Merging of individual will in the Will of the Divine Mother:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna whose individual will was merged in the Will of the Divine Mother after Her first vision.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7)
Merging of individual will in the Will of the Divine Mother:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7: Merging of individual will in the Will of the Divine Mother: The first vision of Sri Ramakrishna of the Conscious form of the Divine Mother brought a great inner transformation in him. Now his individuality was as if absorbed in the Conscious form of the Divine Mother. There was a childlike simplicity and sweetness in him, and complete dependence on the Divine Mother. Conforming to the world with forethought, observance of injunctions etc., arising out of the individual will was melting away, replaced by the dependence on the Will of the Divine Mother, which is the source of all wills. He was now an instrument in the hand of the Divine Mother praying in his heart of hearts: "Mother, my only refuge, kindly make me Your boy and say what I should do".
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