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Sri Ramakrishna offering cooked food to the Divine Mother
Sri Ramakrishna offering cooked food to the Divine Mother
Sri Ramakrishna offering cooked food to the Divine Mother:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna offering cooked food to the Divine Mother and feeling that She was actually taking it.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6)
Sri Ramakrishna offering cooked food to the Divine Mother:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 6: Wholly absorbed in the Divine Mother: When Sri Ramakrishna worshipped the Divine Mother he was wholly absorbed in Her. For him the Divine Mother was a living presence.
Offering cooked food: When Sri Ramakrishna offered cooked food to the Divine Mother he spent a long time feeling that She was actually taking it.
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