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Sri Ramakrishna punishing Rani Rashmani for worldly thoughts during worship
Sri Ramakrishna punishing Rani Rashmani for worldly thoughts during worship
Sri Ramakrishna punishing Rani Rashmani for worldly thoughts during worship:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna punishing Rani Rashmani for harbouring worldly thoughts during worship.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7)
Sri Ramakrishna punishing Rani Rashmani for worldly thoughts during worship:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7: No worldly thoughts during worship: When Sri Ramakrishna worshipped the Divine Mother, he was fully absorbed in Her. There was a constant flow of divine sentiments which filled the atmosphere with holiness. Worldly thoughts during worship obstructs the flow of divine sentiments and consequently the grace of God. The Divine Mother through Her play as if wanted to convey this message to the world through Sri Ramakrishna and Rani Rashmani. Rani Rashmani, the founder of the Dakshnineshwar Kali temple was herself a great devotee of the Divine Mother. In the official seal of her estate was engraved: "Sri Rashmani Dasi, longing for the Feet of Kali". One day however when the Rani visited the temple and Sri Ramakrishna was singing devotional songs at her request, being fully absorbed in the mood of the Divine Mother, some worldly thoughts crossed the mind of the Rani drawing it towards a lawsuit case whose outcome was forthcoming. Sri Ramakrishna in ecstasy detected this break in the flow of divine sentiments. He struck the Rani saying: "That thought even here!". The Rani became repentant and quickly understood the message behind this act of Sri Ramakrishna. This incident increased the devotion of Rani towards Sri Ramakrishna a great deal.
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