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Sri Ramakrishna reaching the state of Ragatmika Bhakti
Sri Ramakrishna reaching the state of Ragatmika Bhakti
Sri Ramakrishna reaching the state of Ragatmika Bhakti:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna reaching the state of Ragatmika Bhakti by his one-pointed devotion of the Divine Mother.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7)
Sri Ramakrishna reaching the state of Ragatmika Bhakti:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7: Sri Ramakrishna reaching the state of Ragatmika Bhakti: The one-pointed devotion of Sri Ramakrishna on the Divine Mother with an undivided mind; turning away from lust, gold, honour and fame; flowing like a river flowing towards an ocean; crossed all boundaries and reached the state of Ragatmika Bhakti; where the Divine Mother became a living presence for him and guided him by holding his hands. In that state Sri Ramakrishna experienced a flood of divine moods and the Divine Mother enacted a wonderful play through him.
Only divine Incarnations can contain the full onrush of Ragatmika Bhakti: Sri Ramakrishna used to say that when the powerful flood of divine moods come into human life unexpectedly, it cannot be suppressed or concealed by thousands of efforts. It is only the bodies of incarnations of God who can bear its full force and live in the world. The scriptures describe their bodies as consisting of pure Sattva.
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