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Sri Ramakrishna seeing the mantras during worship
Sri Ramakrishna seeing the mantras during worship
Sri Ramakrishna seeing the mantras during worship:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna worshipping the Divine Mother seeing the mantras in spiritual vision.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 5)
Sri Ramakrishna seeing the mantras during worship:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 5: Vision of the Nyasa mantras: When Sri Ramakrishna worshipped the Divine Mother he was fully absorbed in Her. While performing the Anganyasa, Karanyasa etc. he actually saw the letters of the mantras set in his body in bright colors. He actually saw the coiled power going in the form of a snake through the Sushumna to the Sahasrara. The parts of the body left behind by that power became still and insensitive to all appearance.
Vision of the wall of fire: When Sri Ramakrishna sprinkled water around him by uttering mantras and imagining a wall of fire, he actually saw a wall of fire protecting the place of worship.
As if Vishnu Himself was worshipping: Other brahmins who saw him deeply absorbed in worship and with body shining with resplendent lustre, commented that "It is as if Vishnu Himself has assumed a human body and sat down to worship".
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