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Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Papapurusha getting killed
Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Papapurusha getting killed
Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Papapurusha getting killed:
I meditate on Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Papapurusha coming out of his body and getting killed by a saintly person in ochre robe with a trident in hand.
(Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7)
Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Papapurusha getting killed:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 7: Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Papapurusha: Sri Ramakrishna suffered from burning sensations during his sadhana on several occasions. He said: "At the time of performing Sandhya and worship, I used to think according to scriptural prescription, that the Papapurusha within the body has been burnt up. Who knew then that there was actually a Papapurusha within the body and that it could be actually burnt and destroyed? A burning sensation came on the body from the beginning of the Sadhana. I thought. 'What is this disease?' It increased by degrees and became unbearable. Various kinds of oils prescribed by physicians were used, but it could by no means be alleviated. One day, while I was sitting under the Panchavati, I saw that a jet-black person with red eyes and a hideous appearance came reeling, as if drunk, out of this (showing his own body) and walked before me. I saw again another person of placid mein, in ochre-coloured dress with a trident in his hand similarly came out from the body, vehemently attacked the other and killed him. The burning sensation in the body decreased for a short time after I had that vision. I suffered from that burning sensation continually for six months before the Papapurusha was burnt up."
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