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Sri Ramakrishna becoming identified with Srimati and Mahabhava

Sri Ramakrishna becoming identified with Srimati and Mahabhava:

Devotion of Gopis towards Krishna Events:

Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 14: Sri Ramakrishna becoming identified with Srimati and Mahabhava: After the vision of Radharani, Sri Ramakrishna became completely identified with Srimati. He began to realize himself as Srimati in ecstasy. He completely lost the consciousness of his separate existence due to his profound contemplation on the character of Radharani.

Signs of Mahabhava started manifesting in him which manifested in Sri Radharani and Gauranga. Sometimes blood oozed out from every pore of his body during this stage, on account of the extreme anguish due to the separation from Krishna.

Sri Ramakrishna said: "It is written in the devotional scriptures that nineteen kinds of emotions manifested in one receptacle are together called the Mahabhava. The whole life of a man is required for the practice of one such emotion before he can attain perfection in it. Nineteen such moods were fully manifested all together here (showing his own body) in one receptacle".

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Last updated on Jan-2025

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