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Sri Ramakrishna putting on female dress
Sri Ramakrishna putting on female dress
Sri Ramakrishna putting on female dress:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 14: Sri Ramakrishna putting on female dress: To practise Madhura Bhava, Sri Ramakrishna put on the dress of a woman (resembling the Gopis of Vrindavana). Mathur Babu arranged for the different female dresses like Sari, skirt, gauze scarf and bodice. Sri Ramakrishna also adorned himself with artificial hair and gold ornaments. Dressed like the women of Vraja, Sri Ramakrishna merged himself in the mood of the Gopis. His movements, speech, smile, glance and gestures, all became womanly. Bhairavi Brahmani used to say: "I mistook him very often for Radharani when I saw him plucking flowers in that manner".
Sri Ramakrishna said that he was in a woman's dress for six months with the attitude that he was the spiritual consort of God.
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