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Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Krishna
Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Krishna
Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Krishna:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 14: Sri Ramakrishna having the vision of Krishna: When the stage of the Sadhana of Madhura Bhava reached the height of Mahabhava, and Sri Ramakrishna was completely identified with Radharani, he was finally blessed with the vision of Sri Krishna, the embodiment of pure Existence, Knowledge and Bliss. He lost himself completely in the thought of Krishna and sometimes regarded himself as Krishna, and regarded all beings from Brahma down to a blade of grass as forms of Krishna.
Once plucking a flower of grass Sri Ramakrishna said: "The complexion of Sri Krishna I used to see then was like this".
This form also disappeared into his own body like the forms of other deities after his visions.
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