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Arrival of Bhairavi Brahmani
Arrival of Bhairavi Brahmani
Arrival of Bhairavi Brahmani:
Ref: Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master - Part 2 - Ch 10: Arrival of Bhairavi Brahmani: In 1861, Bhairavi Brahmani arrived in Bakul-ghat of Dakshineshwar Kali temple in a boat. She was wearing ochre clothes with hair let loose and carried a bundle of books. Sri Ramakrishna felt a spiritual attraction towards her and sent Hriday to call her in his room. Bhairavi Brahmani unhesitatingly accompanied Hriday.
Bhairavi Brahmani recognized Sri Ramakrishna as someone she was waiting to meet: Seeing Sri Ramakrishna, Bhairavi Brahmani was overwhelmed with delight and astonishment. She recognized Sri Ramakrishna as someone she was searching for long. Divine Mother revealed to her that she had to meet three persons, two of whom she had already met in eastern Bengal. Sri Ramakrishna is the third one.
Bhairavi Brahmani came to know of the great spiritual state of Sri Ramakrishna: Sri Ramakrishna then sat beside her and like a child described his great visions and symptoms (burning sensation, sleeplessness etc.) manifesting in his body due to sadhana. He then asked the Brahmani whether he has gone mad as people around tell about him. Bhairavi Brahmani recognized the great spiritual state of Sri Ramakrishna from her scriptural knowledge. She assured him that it is not madness but the state of Mahabhava manifested in him. This also happened to Sri Radharani and Sri Chaitanya. Ordinary people cannot understand this.
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