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Ramakrishna Aratrikam - Khandana Bhava Bandhana - in sanskrit with meaning

- composed by Swami Vivekananda

खण्डन_भव_बन्धन जग_वन्दन वन्दि तोमाय
Khandana Bhava Bandhana Jaga Vandana Vandi Tomaaya
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

खण्डन_भव_बन्धन जग_वन्दन वन्दि तोमाय
निरञ्जन नररूपधर निर्गुण गुणमय ॥१॥
Khannddana-Bhava-Bandhana Jaga-Vandana Vandi Tomaaya |
Niran.jana Nara-Ruupa-Dhara Nirgunna Gunnamaya ||1||

1.1: O Ramakrishna, You break the bondage of the Samsara (delusion of Worldly Existence), and You are revered by the whole World; I worship You, (Please break the bondage of my Worldy Life also),
1.2: You are Stainless and Pure, and You have assumed a Human form; Though You are beyond the Gunas (Satva, Rajas and Tamas), You have manifested Divine Attributes (for the sake of the Devotees).


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
मोचन_अघदूषण जगभूषण चिद्घनकाय
ज्ञानाञ्जन_विमल_नयन वीक्षणे मोह जाय ॥२॥
Mocana-Agha-Duussanna Jaga-Bhuussanna Cid-Ghana-Kaaya |
Jnyaana-An.jana-Vimala-Nayana Viikssanne Moha Jaaya ||2||

2.1: O Ramakrishna, You free our minds from the Impurities which vitiates it, and You are the Ornament of the World; Your form is as if Divine Consciousness solidified (Please remove the Impurities of my Mind also with the touch of Your Divine Form),
2.2: Your Pure Eyes are filled with the Collyrium of Knowledge, seeing which the delusion of the World disappears.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
भास्वर भाव_सागर चिर उन्मद प्रेम_पाथार
भक्तार्जन_युगलचरण तारण_भव_पार ॥३॥
Bhaasvara Bhaava-Saagara Cira Unmada Prema-Paathaara |
Bhakta-Arjana-Yugala-Caranna Taaranna-Bhava-Paara ||3||

3.1: O Ramakrishna, You are an Ocean of Bhava (Divine Feelings), Shining, and always Intoxicated with Divine Love (Please give a touch of that Divine Love to me also),
3.2: The Devotees by their Pure Devotion obtain the pair of Your Lotus Feet, and cross the Ocean of Samsara.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
जृंभित_युग_ईश्वर जगदीश्वर योगसहाय
निरोधन समाहित_मन निरखि तव कृपाय ॥४॥
Jrmbhita-Yuga-Iishvara Jagad-Iishvara Yoga-Sahaaya |
Nirodhana Samaahita-Mana Nirakhi Tava Krpaaya ||4||

4.1: O Ramakrishna, You have blossomed (i.e. manifested) as the Lord of this Yuga (i.e.. Age of Kali), as the Lord of the World by Your Yogic Power (Please help me also in yogic communion with Your Divine Form),
4.2: With a Restrained and Concentrated Mind (in Meditation), and with Your Grace, I get a glimpse of Your Divine Form.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
भञ्जन_दुःखगञ्जन करुणाघन कर्मकठोर
प्राणार्पण_जगत_तारण कृन्तन_कलिडोर ॥५॥
Bhan.jana-Duhkha-Gan.jana Karunnaa-Ghana Karma-Katthora |
Praanna-Arpanna-Jagata-Taaranna Krntana-Kali-Ddora ||5||

5.1: O Ramakrishna, You break the tremendous Sorrows of this Samsara, and Your Divine Form is as if Compassion solidified; You have undertaken severe Spiritual Practices (Please help me also in my Spiritual endeavours and remove my worldly Sorrows),
5.2: You have dedicated Your Life to enable the World to cut the string (i.e. bondage) of Kali Yuga and cross over the Samsara.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
वञ्चन_कामकाञ्चन अतिनिन्दित_इन्द्रिय_राग
त्यागीश्वर हे नरवर देह पदे अनुराग ॥६॥
Van.cana-kaama-Kaan.cana Ati-Nindita-Indriya-Raag |
Tyaag-Iishvara He Nara-Vara Deha Pade Anuraag ||6||

6.1: O Ramakrishna, You have renounced Kama (Lust) and Kanchana (Greed of Wealth), and the very desplicable attachment to Indriyas (Sense Organs) (Please help me also to renounce Kama and Kanchana),
6.2: You are the master of Renunciation, O the Best of Men; You have altogether renounced attachment to Body and Fame,


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
निर्भय गतसंशय दृढनिश्चयमानसवान
निष्कारण भकत_शरण त्यजि जातिकुलमान ॥७॥
Nirbhaya Gata-Samshaya Drddha-Nishcaya-Maanasavaana |
Nisskaaranna Bhakata-Sharanna Tyaji Jaati-Kula-Maan ||7||

7.1: O Ramakrishna, You are Fearless and have gone beyond the Doubt (regarding the final destination of Life); You are of Firm Resolve, Mentally (Please help me also to gain a Firm Resolve about the final aim of life, and become Fearless),
7.2: You are the giver of Refuge to the Devotees without any Motive (i.e. inspired only by Divine Love and without consideration of Caste and Creed); the Pride of Caste, Lineage etc You have renounced.


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
सम्पद तव श्रीपद भव गोष्पद_वारि यथाय
प्रेमार्पण समदरशन जगजन_दुःख जाय ॥८॥
Sampada Tava Shrii-Pada Bhava Goss-Pada-Vaari Yathaaya |
Prema-Arpanna Sama-Darashana Jaga-Jana-Duhkha Jaaya ||8||

8.1: O Ramakrishna, Your Divine Feet is the Wealth of the Devotees, by taking Refuge of which the Ocean of Samsara appear like a small pool of Water within the hoof-mark of a Cow (Please help me also to gain Your Divine Feet),
8.2: Your Sight which sees everyone as Equal, showers Divine Love and removes the sorrows of the World,


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
नमो नमो प्रभु वाक्यमनातीत
ज्योतिर ज्योति उजल हृदिकन्दर
तुमि तमोभञ्जनहार ॥९॥
Namo Namo Prabhu Vaakyamanaatiita
Jyotira Jyoti Ujala Hrdikandara
Tumi Tamobhan.janahaara ||9||

9.1: Salutations, Salutations, O Lord, Who is beyond the Speech and the Mind,
9.2: Who is the one substratum of the Mind and the Speech,
9.3: O Lord, Who is the Light of the Light; Please enkindle that Light within the Cave of my Heart,
9.4: You are the remover of Tamas (Darkness of Ignorance).


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
धे धे धे लंग रंग भंग बाजे अंग संग मृदंग
गाइछे छन्द भकतवृन्द आरति तोमार
जय जय आरति तोमार
हर हर आरति तोमार
शिव शिव आरति तोमार ॥१०॥
Dhe Dhe Dhe Lamga Ramga Bhamga Baaje Amga Samga Mrdamga
Gaaiche Chanda Bhakatavrnda Aarati Tomaara ||
Jaya Jaya Aarati Tomaara
Hara Hara Aarati Tomaara
Shiva Shiva Aarati Tomaara ||10||

10.1: O, with the sound of the Mridanga, Dhe, Dhe, Dhe, the lame Play of the World (i.e. without any real substance in it) is as if getting removed from inside me; My Body is playing (i.e. becoming thrilled) with the sound of the Mridanga,
10.2: The Devotees are singing Your Arati with the rhythm of Music,
10.3: Victory to You, Victory to You, we sing Your Arati,
10.4: O Hara, O Hara (Remover of Afflictions), we sing Your Arati,
10.5: O Shiva, O Shiva (The Auspicious One), we sing Your Arati.


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Translated by greenmesg

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Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
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And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Dec-2024

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