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Aratrikam - Sarada Devi - Prakritim Paramam - in sanskrit with meaning

- composed by Swami Abhedananda

प्रकृतिं परमामभयां वरदां
Prakritim Paramam Abhayam Varadam
Sri Sarada Devi
Sri Sarada Devi

प्रकृतिं परमामभयां वरदां
नररूपधरां जनतापहराम्
प्रणमामि परां जननीं जगताम् ॥१॥
Prakrtim Paramaam-Abhayaam Vara-Daam
Nara-Ruupa-Dharaam Jana-Taapa-Haraam |
Prannamaami Paraam Jananiim Jagataam ||1||

1.1: (O Sarada Devi) You are the Supreme Prakriti (the Original Cause of everything), bestowing Fearlessness (Abhaya) and giving Boons (Vara) (to Your Children),
1.2: You have assumed a Human Form for removing the Sorrows of the People,
1.3: To those Servants (i.e. to those engaged in Your Service) who have taken Your Refuge, You fill them with Contentment,
1.4: I Bow down to You, You Who are the Supreme Mother of all the Worlds.


Sri Sarada Devi
कृपयाऽद्य समुद्धर मोहगतान्
तरणीं भवसागरपारकरीं
प्रणमामि परां जननीं जगताम् ॥२॥
Krpayaa-[A]dya Samuddhara Moha-Gataan |
Taranniim Bhava-Saagara-Paara-Kariim
Prannamaami Paraam Jananiim Jagataam ||2||

2.1: (O Sarada Devi) Your Children who are bereft of Virtues and whose lives are filled with various Mistakes,
2.2: Please Deliver them now by Your Compassion; (Your Children) who have gone into the Delusion (of Worldly Attachments),
2.3: (Because) You are the Boat (for them), the Boat which makes one Cross the Ocean of Worldly Attachments,
2.4: I Bow down to You, You Who are the Supreme Mother of all the Worlds.


Sri Sarada Devi
विषयं कुसुमं परिहृत्य सदा
पिब भृंगमनो भवरोगहरां
प्रणमामि परां जननीं जगताम् ॥३॥
Vissayam Kusumam Parihrtya Sadaa
Caranna-Amburuha-[A]mrta-Shaanti-Sudhaam |
Piba Bhrnga-Mano Bhava-Roga-Haraam
Prannamaami Paraam Jananiim Jagataam ||3||

3.1: (O Mind) Abandoning the attachment of the Flower of Worldly Possession, You always ...
3.2: ... drink the Nectar of the Lotus Feet of Jagadamba, the Nectar which is filled with Peace,
3.3: Drink that Nectar of Peace, O Bee of the Mind, which removes the disease of the Worldly Attachments,
3.4: I Bow down to You, You Who are the Supreme Mother of all the Worlds.


Sri Sarada Devi
कृपां कुरु महादेवि सुतेषु प्रणतेषु
चरणाश्रयदानेन कृपामयि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥४॥
Krpaam Kuru Mahaadevi Sutessu Prannatessu Ca |
Caranna-[A]ashraya-Daanena Krpaamayi Namo-[A]stu Te ||4||

4.1: O Mahadevi, please extend Your Grace towards Your Children who have Bowed down to You (i.e. taken Your Refuge), and ...
4.2: ... give the Refuge of Your Lotus Feet to them; Salutations to You, O the One filled with Compassion.


Sri Sarada Devi
लज्जापटावृते नित्यं सारदे ज्ञानदायिके
पापेभ्यो नः सदा रक्ष कृपामयि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥५॥
Lajjaa-Patta-[A]avrte Nityam Saarade Jnyaana-Daayike |
Paapebhyo Nah Sadaa Rakssa Krpaamayi Namo-[A]stu Te ||5||

5.1: O Sarada Devi, remaining always concealed behind the Veil of Modesty, You Who are the bestower of Knowledge, ...
5.2: ... Please Protect us always from (committing) Sins, O the Merciful One, Salutations to You.


Sri Sarada Devi
रामकृष्णगतप्राणां तन्नामश्रवणप्रियाम्
तद्भावरञ्जिताकारां प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः ॥६॥
Raamakrssnna-Gata-Praannaam Tan-Naama-Shravanna-Priyaam |
Tad-Bhaava-Ran.jita-[A]akaaraam Prannamaami Muhurmuhuh ||6||

6.1: (O Sarada Devi) Your Life (i.e. Heart) has gone to Ramakrishna, and hearing (and recollecting) His Name (and Deeds) is very Dear to You,
6.2: Your Form is Coloured by His Bhavas; I Bow down to You again and again.


Sri Sarada Devi
पवित्रं चरितं यस्याः पवित्रं जीवनं तथा
पवित्रतास्वरूपिण्यै तस्यै कुर्मो नमो नमः ॥७॥
Pavitram Caritam Yasyaah Pavitram Jiivanam Tathaa |
Pavitrataa-Svaruupinnyai Tasyai Kurmo Namo Namah ||7||

7.1: (Sarada Devi) Whose Character is full of Purity, and Purity has filled Whose Life as well,
7.2: To that Embodiment of Purity, to Her, we offer our Salutations again and again.


Sri Sarada Devi
देवीं प्रसन्नां प्रणतार्तिहन्त्रीं
योगीन्द्रपूज्यां युगधर्मपात्रीम्
तां सारदां भक्तिविज्ञानदात्रीं
दयास्वरूपां प्रणमामि नित्यम् ॥८॥
Deviim Prasannaam Prannata-[A]arti-Hantriim
Yogi-Indra-Puujyaam Yuga-Dharma-Paatriim |
Taam Saaradaam Bhakti-Vijnyaana-Daatriim
Dayaa-Svaruupaam Prannamaami Nityam ||8||

8.1: That Devi, Who with a Gracious Disposiiton removes the Suffering of those who Bow down to Her (i.e. take Her Refuge),
8.2: Who is Worshipped by the best of the Yogis, and Who is the Reservoir (i.e. Preserver) of the Dharma of the Yuga,
8.3: To that Sarada, Who is the bestower of Devotion and Knowledge (at the same time),
8.4: And Who is an Embodiment of Compassion; I Bow down to Her, always.


Sri Sarada Devi
स्नेहेन बध्नासि मनोऽस्मदीयं
दोषानशेषान् सगुणीकरोषि
अहेतुना नो दयसे सदोषान्
स्वाङ्के गृहीत्वा यदिदं विचित्रम् ॥९॥
Snehena Badhnaasi Mano-[A]smadiiyam
Dossaan-Ashessaan Sagunnii-Karossi |
Ahetunaa No Dayase Sadossaan
Svaangke Grhiitvaa Yad-Idam Vicitram ||9||

9.1: (O Sarada Devi) You tie our Minds with the Tenderness of Maternal Love,
9.2: And orient our (lives which are filled with) endless Faults into (lives nurturing good) Qualities,
9.3: Without any motive You take Pity on us who are filled with various Faults,
9.4: And accepting us as we are, take us on Your Lap; This indeed is Surprising.


Sri Sarada Devi
प्रसीद मातर्विनयेन याचे
नित्यं भव स्नेहवती सुतेषु
प्रेमैकबिन्दुं चिरदग्धचित्ते
विषिञ्च चित्तं कुरु नः सुशान्तम् ॥१०॥
Prasiida Maatar-Vinayena Yaace
Nityam Bhava Snehavatii Sutessu |
Premai[aa-E]ka-Bindum Cira-Dagdha-Citte Cittam Kuru Nah Sushaantam ||10||

10.1: O Mother, Please be Propitious, I implore You with a Humble Heart,
10.2: Please extend Your Motherly Love towards Your Children, Always,
10.3: Sprinkle one drop of Your Motherly Love in our Hearts, which are ever scorched (by the World),
10.4: And make our Hearts Moist with the deep Peace (of Your Loving Grace).


Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Sri Sarada Devi
जननीं सारदां देवीं रामकृष्णं जगद्गुरुम्
पादपद्मे तयोः श्रित्वा प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः ॥११॥
Jananiim Saaradaam Deviim Raamakrssnnam Jagadgurum |
Paada-Padme Tayoh Shritvaa Prannamaami Muhurmuhuh ||11||

11.1: O Mother Sarada Devi, and O Sri Ramakrishna the Spiritual Teacher of the World,
11.2: Taking Refuge in both of Your Lotus Feet, I Bow down to You again and again.


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Translated by greenmesg

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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