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Bhoomi Sukta - In sanskrit with meaning

- from Atharva Veda 12.1

भूमि सूक्त
Bhoomi Sukta (Bhumi Sukta) excerpts
Bhoomi Devi
Bhoomi Devi (Mother Earth)

सत्यं बृहदृतमुग्रं दीक्षा तपो ब्रह्म यज्ञः पृथिवीं धारयन्ति
सा नो भूतस्य भव्यस्य पत्न्युरुं लोकं पृथिवी नः कृणोतु ॥१॥
Satyam Brhad-Rtam-Ugram Diikssaa Tapo Brahma Yajnyah Prthiviim Dhaarayanti |
Saa No Bhuutasya Bhavayasya Patny[i]-Urum Lokam Prthivii Nah Krnnotu ||1||

1.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) The Truth (Satyam), the Cosmic Divine Law (Ritam), the Spiritual Passion manifested in Mighty Initiations, Penances and self dedications to the search of Brahman (by the sages); these have sustained the Mother Earth for ages (Who in turn have supported these in Her Bosom),
1.2: She, Who is to us the Consort of the Past and the Future (being its witness), May She expand our inner life in this World towards the Cosmic Life (through Her Purity and Vastness).


Bhoomi Devi
असंबाधं बध्यतो मानवानां यस्या उद्वतः प्रवतः समं बहु
नानावीर्या ओषधीर्या बिभर्ति पृथिवी नः प्रथतां राध्यतां नः ॥२॥
Asambaadham Badhyato Maanavaanaam Yasyaa Udvatah Pravatah Samam Bahu |
Naanaa-Viiryaa Ossadhiiryaa Bibharti Prthivii Nah Prathataam Raadhyataam Nah ||2||

2.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) Who extends Unimpeded Freedom (both outer and inner) to Human Beings through Her Mountains, Slopes and Plains,
2.2: She bears many Plants and Medicinal Herbs of various Potencies; May She extend Her Riches to us (and make us healthy).


Bhoomi Devi
यस्यां समुद्र उत सिन्धुरापो यस्यामन्नं कृष्टयः संबभूवुः
यस्यामिदं जिन्वति प्राणदेजत्सा नो भूमिः पूर्वपेये दधातु ॥३॥
Yasyaam Samudra Uta Sindhur-Aapo Yasyaam-Annam Krssttayah Sambabhuuvuh |
Yasyaam-Idam Jinvati Praannad-Ejat-Saa No Bhuumih Puurva-Peye Dadhaatu ||3||

3.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) In Her is woven together Ocean and River Waters; in Her is contained Food which She manifests when ploughed,
3.2: In Her indeed is alive all Lives; May She bestow us with that Life.


Bhoomi Devi
यस्याश्चतस्रः प्रदिशः पृथिव्या यस्यामन्नं कृष्टयः संबभूवुः
या बिभर्ति बहुधा प्राणदेजत्सा नो भूमिर्गोष्वप्यन्ने दधातु ॥४॥
Yasyaash-Catasrah Pradishah Prthivyaa Yasyaam-Annam Krssttayah Sambabhuuvuh |
Yaa Bibharti Bahudhaa Praannad-Ejat-Saa No Bhuumir-Gossv[u]-Apy[i]-Anne Dadhaatu ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) In Her resides the Four Directions of the World; in Her is contained Food which She manifests when Ploughed,
4.2: She sustains the various Lives living in Her; May She, the Mother Earth, bestow on us the Ray of Life present even in Food.


Bhoomi Devi
यस्यां पूर्वे पूर्वजना विचक्रिरे यस्यां देवा असुरानभ्यवर्तयन्
गवामश्वानां वयसश्च विष्ठा भगं वर्चः पृथिवी नो दधातु ॥५॥
Yasyaam Puurve Puurvajanaa Vicakrire Yasyaam Devaa Asuraan-Abhyavartayan |
Gavaam-Ashvaanaam Vayasash-Ca Visstthaa Bhagam Varcah Prthivii No Dadhaatu ||5||

5.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) In Her our Forefathers lived and performed (their activities) in earlier times; in Her the Devas (the good forces) overturned the Asuras (the evil forces) (since earlier times),
5.2: In Her lived the Cows, Horses, Birds (and other animals in earlier times); May She, the Mother Earth, bestow on us Prosperity and Splendour.


Bhoomi Devi
विश्वंभरा वसुधानी प्रतिष्ठा हिरण्यवक्षा जगतो निवेशनी
वैश्वानरं बिभ्रती भूमिरग्निमिन्द्रऋषभा द्रविणे नो दधातु ॥६॥
Vishvambharaa Vasudhaanii Pratisstthaa Hirannya-Vakssaa Jagato Niveshanii |
Vaishvaanaram Bibhratii Bhuumir-Agnim-Indra-Rssabhaa Dravinne No Dadhaatu ||6||

6.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) She is Vishwambhara (All-Bearing), She is Vasudhaa (Producer of all Wealth), She is Pratishtha (Foundation on which we live), She is Hiranyavaksha (of Golden Bosom) and the Dwelling Place of the World,
6.2: She holds the Vaishvanara (The Universal Fire) within Her, the Fire which empowers Indra and Rishabha; May the Mother Earth bestow on us (the splendour of that Fire and make us strong).


Bhoomi Devi
यां रक्षन्त्यस्वप्ना विश्वदानीं देवा भूमिं पृथिवीमप्रमादम्
सा नो मधु प्रियं दुहामथो उक्षतु वर्चसा ॥७॥
Yaam Rakssanty[i]-Asvapnaa Vishva-Daaniim Devaa Bhuumim Prthiviim-Apramaadam |
Saa No Madhu Priyam Duhaam-Atho Ukssa-Tu Varcasaa ||7||

7.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) Her, the Devas protect sleeplessly with vigilance, She Who is the All-Giving Mother Earth,
7.2: May She milk for us that delightful Honey which gives the great Splendour (of Divinity).


Bhoomi Devi
यार्णवेऽधि सलिलमग्न आसीद्यां मायाभिरन्वचरन्मनीषिणः
यस्या हृदयं परमे व्योमन्त्सत्येनावृतममृतं पृथिव्याः
सा नो भूमिस्त्विषिं बलं राष्ट्रे दधातूत्तमे ॥८॥
Yaa-[A]rnnave-[A]dhi Salila-Magna Aasiidyaam Maayaabhir-Anvacaran-Maniissinnah |
Yasyaa Hrdayam Parame Vyomant-Satyena-[A]avrtam-Amrtam Prthivyaah |
Saa No Bhuumis-Tvissim Balam Raassttre Dadhaatu-Uttame ||8||

8.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) Sitting above Sea as well as Lying immersed in its Waters (in meditation), the Sages pursued Her by Supernatural Powers (i.e. Tried to understand Her real nature by yogic powers),
8.2: (They found that) The Heart of Mother Earth lies in the Highest Vyoman (Spiritual Sky) enveloped by Truth and Immortality,
8.3: May She, the Mother Earth, bestow Her Splendorous Vigour on us and our great Kingdom.


Bhoomi Devi
यस्यामापः परिचराः समानीरहोरात्रे अप्रमादं क्षरन्ति
सा नो भूमिर्भूरिधारा पयो दुहामथो उक्षतु वर्चसा ॥९॥
Yasyaam-Aapah Paricaraah Samaaniir-Ahoraatre Apramaadam Kssaranti |
Saa No Bhuumir-Bhuuri-Dhaaraa Payo Duhaam-Atho Ukssatu Varcasaa ||9||

9.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) In Her the Waters flow on all sides Day and Night with Vigilance (i.e. unceasingly),
9.2: May She, the Mother Earth give us the Milk of Her abundant streams, and moisten us with its Splendour (present in Water).


Bhoomi Devi
यामश्विनावमिमातां विष्णुर्यस्यां विचक्रमे
इन्द्रो यां चक्र आत्मनेऽनमित्रां शचीपतिः
सा नो भूमिर्वि सृजतां माता पुत्राय मे पयः ॥१०॥
Yaam-Ashvinaav[au]-Amimaataam Vissnnur-Yasyaam Vicakrame |
Indro Yaam Cakra Aatmane-[A]namitraam Shacii-Patih |
Saa No Bhuumirvi Srjataam Maataa Putraaya Me Payah ||10||

10.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) Her, the Aswins (Divine Physicians) have measured out (i.e. Filled Her with Herbs and Healing qualities), In Her Vishnu strode (imparting Her with Divine qualities),
10.2: Indra, the husband of Shachi, made Her Soul free from Enemies (i.e. Made Her Soul the Friend of All like a Mother to a Son),
10.3: May She pour forth Her Milk (with kindness) as a Mother does to her Son.


Bhoomi Devi
गिरयस्ते पर्वता हिमवन्तोऽरण्यं ते पृथिवि स्योनमस्तु
बभ्रुं कृष्णां रोहिणीं विश्वरूपां ध्रुवां भूमिं पृथिवीमिन्द्रगुप्ताम्
अजीतेऽहतो अक्षतोऽध्यष्ठां पृथिवीमहम् ॥११॥
Girayas-Te Parvataa Himavanto-[A]rannyam Te Prthivi Syonam-Astu |
Babhrum Krssnnaam Rohinniim Vishvaruupaam Dhruvaam Bhuumim Prthiviim-Indra-Guptaam |
Ajiite-[A]hato Akssato-[A]dhyasstthaam Prthiviim-Aham ||11||

11.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) O Mother Earth, May Your Hills and Snow-Clad Mountains (spread its coolness within us); May Your Forests spread its delight within us,
11.2: You present a Vishwarupa with Your many colours - Babhru (Brown) (of mountains), Krishna (Blue) (of rivers), Rohini (Red) (of flowers); (But behind all these enchanting appearances) O Mother Earth, You are like Dhruva - Firm and Immovable; And You are protected by Indra,
11.3: (On Your firm foundation) Which is Unconquered, Unslayed and Unbroken Whole, I stand firm (and whole, O Mother).


Bhoomi Devi
यत्ते मध्यं पृथिवि यच्च नभ्यं यास्त ऊर्जस्तन्वः संबभूवुः
तासु नो धेह्यभि नः पवस्व माता भूमिः पुत्रो अहं पृथिव्याः
पर्जन्यः पिता नः पिपर्तु ॥१२॥
Yat-Te Madhyam Prthivi Yac-Ca Nabhyam Yaasta Uurjas-Tanvah Sambabhuuvuh |
Taasu No Dhehy[i]-Abhi Nah Pavasva Maataa Bhuumih Putro Aham Prthivyaah |
Parjanyah Pitaa Sa U Nah Pipartu ||12||

12.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) In Your Center, O Mother Earth, is Your Navel from which the Vital Power emanates and spreads out,
12.2: Absorb us in that Power and Purify us, O Bhoomi Mata, I am the Son of Mother Earth,
12.3: Parjanya (Rain God) is my Father, may he fill us (with the Vital Power in Water).


Bhoomi Devi
यस्यां वेदिं परिगृह्णन्ति भूम्यां यस्यां यज्ञं तन्वते विश्वकर्माणः
यस्यां मीयन्ते स्वरवः पृथिव्यामूर्ध्वाः शुक्रा आहुत्याः पुरस्तात्
सा नो भूमिर्वर्धयद्वर्धमाना ॥१३॥
Yasyaam Vedim Parigrhnnanti Bhuumyaam Yasyaam Yajnyam Tanvate Vishva-Karmaannah |
Yasyaam Miiyante Svaravah Prthivyaam-Uurdhvaah Shukraa Aahutyaah Purastaat |
Saa No Bhuumir-Vardhayad-Vardhamaanaa ||13||

13.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) In Her, Bhoomi (Ground) has spread Herself as the sacrificial Altar; In Her, all the activities of the World has spread themselves as Yagya,
13.2: In Her, from the beginning, the Sounds (of activities) of the World (resembling the Chants of Yagya) during Oblations rises up and disappears in the Purifying upper layers (symbolically purifying the workers),
13.3: May the Expansion (Expanding Space) provided by the Earth, expand (our inner selves also).


Bhoomi Devi
यो नो द्वेषत्पृथिवी यः पृतन्याद्योऽभिदासान्मनसा यो वधेन
तं नो भूमे रन्धय पूर्वकृत्वरि ॥१४॥
Yo No Dvessat-Prthivii Yah Prtanyaad-Yo-[A]bhidaasaan-Manasaa Yo Vadhena |
Tam No Bhuume Randhaya Puurvakrtvari ||14||

14.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) He who hates us, O Earth, he who attacks us or mentally considers us as Enemies, or he who strikes us,
14.2: Him, O Mother Earth, subdue, as You have done since earliest times.


Bhoomi Devi
त्वज्जातास्त्वयि चरन्ति मर्त्यास्त्वं बिभर्षि द्विपदस्त्वं चतुष्पदः
तवेमे पृथिवि पञ्च मानवा येभ्यो ज्योतिरमृतं मर्त्येभ्य उद्यन्त्सूर्यो रश्मिभिरातनोति ॥१५॥
Tvaj-Jaataas-Tvayi Caranti Martyaas-Tvam Bibharssi Dvi-Padas-Tvam Catuss-Padah |
Tave[a-I]me Prthivi Maanavaa Yebhyo Jyotir-Amrtam Martyebhya Udyant-Suuryo Rashmibhir-Aatanoti ||15||

15.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) (First those) Produced by You, (Second) those Moving about in You, (Third) those Two-Footed and (Fourth) those Four-Footed ones; (all of) whom You bear in the land of Mortality,
15.2: Fifth is the Manava, from whom the Light of Immortality emanates (even) from the land of Mortality, which O Mother Earth, You diffuse with the Rays of the rising Sun (i.e. the essence of Immortality pervades in You).


Bhoomi Devi
ता नः प्रजाः सं दुह्रतां समग्रा वाचो मधु पृथिवी धेहि मह्यम् ॥१६॥
Taa Nah Prajaah Sam Duh-Rataam Samagraa Vaaco Madhu Prthivii Dhehi Mahyam ||16||

16.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) (The essence of Immortality pervades in You) May We, Your Children (be able to) together milk the Ritam (Divine Order) present everywhere in You, O Mother Earth, by absorbing (i.e. understanding) the great Honeyed Speech (Vedic Mantras).


Bhoomi Devi
विश्वस्वं मातरमोषधीनां ध्रुवां भूमिं पृथिवीं धर्मणा धृताम्
शिवां स्योनामनु चरेम विश्वहा ॥१७॥
Vishvasvam Maataram-Ossadhiinaam Dhruvaam Bhuumim Prthiviim Dharmannaa Dhrtaam |
Shivaam Syonaam-Anu Carema Vishvahaa ||17||

17.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) The Herbs (Plants) which are like Mothers of the World (who sustains us) grows on the Immovable Earth (Bhoomi); the Earth which is held by Dharma, ...
17.2: ... and in which Auspiciousness gently pervades throughout the World.


Bhoomi Devi
महत्सधस्थं महती बभूविथ महान्वेग एजथुर्वेपथुष्टे
महांस्त्वेन्द्रो रक्षत्यप्रमादम्
सा नो भूमे प्र रोचय हिरण्यस्येव संदृशि मा नो द्विक्षत कश्चन ॥१८॥
Mahat-Sadhastham Mahatii Babhuuvitha Mahaan-Vega Ejathur-Vepathusstte |
Mahaan-s-Tve[a-I]ndro Rakssatya[i-A]pramaadam |
Saa No Bhuume Pra Rocaya Hirannyasye[a-I]va Samdrshi Maa No Dvikssata Kashcana ||18||

18.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) Great is this Place where we stand together (i.e. live together); Mighty is the Force present in it, which controls its Great Speed of Movement and Shaking,
18.2: Great is the God Indra who protects Her with Vigilance (day and night),
18.3: (In this great meeting place enveloped by Divine Powers) May She the Bhoomi (Earth), make us lustrous like Gold so that we do not see anyone with the attitude of Hatred.


Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
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Translated by greenmesg

Mantras from Vedas & Upanishads:

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Shanti Mantras:
Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Om Bhadram Karnebhih
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Om Sahana Vavatu
Om Sarvesham Swastirbhavatu
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Om Shamno Mitrah Sham Varunah
Om Vang Me Manasi Pratisthita
Om Dyauha Shantirantariksha Shantihi

Vedic Suktas / Mantras:
Ambhasyapare Bhuvanasya Madhye (Mahanarayana Upanishad 1.1)
Apah Suktam (RV 10.9)
Bhoomi Sukta Excerpts (AV 12.1)
Durga Suktam (Mahanarayana Upanishad)
Ganapati Atharvashirsha (Ganapati Upanishad)
Gayatri Mantra (Yajur Veda)
Kshetrapati Suktam (RV 4.57)
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (RV 7.59.12)
Om Gananam Tva Ganapatim (RV 2.23.1)
Purusha Suktam (RV 10.90)
Saraswati Mantras (Rig Veda 1.3.10 to 1.3.12)
Sri Suktam (RV appendices)

Stotras related to Divinity & Nature:

Mother EarthAditya Hridayam (Valmiki Ramayana)
Agni Suktam (RV 1.1)
Apah Suktam (RV 10.9)
Bhoomi Sukta Excerpts (AV 12.1)
Brahma Murari Tripurantakari (VmP 14)
Gange Ca Yamune Caiva (Snana sloka)
Ganga Stotram (of Adi Shankaracharya)
Ganga descent from Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 5.17)
Ganga description from Ramayana (VR 2.5)
Krishna & Vrindavana Forest (SB 10.15)
Kshetrapati Suktam (RV 4.57)
Narmadashtakam (of Adi Shankaracharya)
Reva Mahatmya Varnanam (from Skanda Purana - Reva Khanda - Ch 2)
Samudra Vasane Devi (Kshama Prarthana sloka)
Shakambhari (Shatakshi) Mahatmyam (DB 7.28)
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam (Deepa Jyoti sloka)
Suryashtakam (Stotra on Suryadeva)
Tulasi Stotram (Stotra on Devi Tulasi)
Yamunashtakam (of Adi Shankaracharya)

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras
2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature

Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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