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Jagaddhatri Stotram - In sanskrit with meaning

जगद्धात्री स्तोत्रम्
Jagaddhatri Stotram - Aadhara-Bhute Ca-Adheye Dhrti-Rupe Dhurandhare
Devi Jagaddhatri
Devi Jagaddhatri

आधारभूते चाधेये धृतिरूपे धुरन्धरे
ध्रुवे ध्रुवपदे धीरे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१॥
Aadhaara-Bhuute Ca-Adheye Dhrti-Ruupe Dhurandhare |
Dhruve Dhruva-Pade Dhiire Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||1||

1.1 (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who exists as the Substratum of the Universe, Incomprehensible by the Mind; Who is of the form of eternal Contentment, and Bears the whole Creation,
1.2: Who is Eternal, and takes one towards Her Eternal Feet; Who is Steady and Immovable; O Devi Jagaddhtri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
शवाकारे शक्तिरूपे शक्तिस्थे शक्तिविग्रहे
शाक्ताचारप्रिये देवि जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥२॥
Shava-[A]akaare Shakti-Ruupe Shakti-Sthe Shakti-Vigrahe |
Shaakta-[A]acaara-Priye Devi Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||2||

2.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who stands on the Figure of Corpse (Corpse-like form of Shiva representing Brahman) in the form of Shakti (as Devi Kali representing the Power of Brahman); Who abides as Shakti within the Vigraha (Image) of Shakti (which is awakened by Worship),
2.2: Who is fond of the Worship-Rituals of the Shaktas; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
जयदे जगदानन्दे जगदेकप्रपूजिते
जय सर्वगते दुर्गे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥३॥
Jayade Jagad-Aanande Jagad-Eka-Prapuujite |
Jaya Sarva-Gate Durge Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||3||

3.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who is the giver of Victory, Who is the giver of Joy to the World, and Who is the One Power Worshipped in the World,
3.2: Victory to You O Durga, Who is Present in All; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्मरूपे प्राणापानादिरूपिणि
भावाभावस्वरूपे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥४॥
Suukssma-Ati-Suukssma-Ruupe Ca Praanna-Apaana-[A]adi-Ruupinni |
Bhaava-Abhaava-Svaruupe Ca Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||4||

4.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who is present within the Subtle of the Subtlest forms, and Who is present within the Life Force in the forms of the Vital Airs of Prana, Apana and others,
4.2: Who is present as Devotional Feelings within our hearts; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
कालादिरूपे कालेशे कालाकाल विभेदिनि
सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वज्ञे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥५॥
Kaala-[A]adi-Ruupe Kaale[a-Ii]she Kaala-Akaala Vibhedini |
Sarva-Svaruupe Sarvajnye Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||5||

5.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who is present in the form of the different divisions of Time, and Who is the Goddess presiding over Time itself; (Moreover) Who pierces from Time to Timelessness (i.e. Who though within the realm of Time in Creation is also beyond Time as Absolute Consciousness),
5.2: Who is present in All-Forms and is All-Knowing (as the indweller within them); O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
महाविघ्ने महोत्साहे महामाये वरप्रदे
प्रपञ्चसारे साध्वीशे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥६॥
Mahaa-Vighne Maho[a-U]tsaahe Mahaa-Maaye Vara-Prade | Saadhvii-[Ii]she Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||6||

6.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who is present during great Impediments (in life), Who is present during great Enthusiasm (in life), Who is present during great Delusions (in life), and Who is present during Boon-giving (rewarding what is deserved in life),
6.2: Who is the essence behind the Manifestation of Creation, present as the Creative Consort of the Lord; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
अगम्ये जगतामाद्ये माहेश्वरि वराङ्गने
अशेषरूपे रूपस्थे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥७॥
Agamye Jagataam-Aadye Maaheshvari Varaanggane |
Ashessa-Ruupe Ruupa-Sthe Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||7||

7.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who cannot be attained by the Mind (but need to be approached by surrendering the individual being), Who is the Primordial Cause of the Universe; Who is the Consort of Maheshwara of Great Beauty (when beheld through the eyes of Jnana and Bhakti),
7.2: Who plays in Creation by taking Endless Forms, and abides in those Forms as Consciousness; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
द्विसप्तकोटिमन्त्राणां शक्तिरूपे सनातनि
सर्वशक्तिस्वरूपे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥८॥
Dvi-Sapta-Kotti-Mantraannaam Shakti-Ruupe Sanaatani |
Sarva-Shakti-Svaruupe Ca Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||8||

8.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who is the Primeval Shakti (Whose different aspects are) represented by Fourteen Crores of Mantras,
8.2: Who is the embodiment of All Powers (represented by the Mantras); O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
तीर्थयज्ञतपोदानयोगसारे जगन्मयि
त्वमेव सर्वं सर्वस्थे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥९॥
Tiirtha-Yajnya-Tapo-Daana-Yoga-Saare Jaganmayi |
Tvam-Eva Sarvam Sarva-Sthe Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||9||

9.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who is the essence of Tirtha (Pilgrimage), Yajna (Sacrifice), Tapas (Penance), Daana (Charity) and Yoga (Meditation); Who is the Mother of the Universe (to Whom all these are directed),
9.2: You indeed are All, You indeed are in All; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
दयारूपे दयादृष्टे दयार्द्रे दुःखमोचनि
सर्वापत्तारिके दुर्गे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१०॥
Dayaa-Ruupe Dayaa-Drsstte Dayaa-[Aa]rdre Duhkha-Mocani |
Sarva-Apat-Taarike Durge Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||10||

10.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Whose Form is that of Compassion, Whose Glance is that of Compassion, Whose Feelings are Moist with Compassion; the Compassion which releases one from the Sorrows of Life (by connecting with Her),
10.2: Who as Durga enables one to Cross over all the Misfortunes of Life; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Devi Jagaddhatri
अगम्यधामधामस्थे महायोगिशहृत्पुरे
अमेयभावकूटस्थे जगद्धात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥११॥
Agamya-Dhaama-Dhaama-Sthe Mahaa-Yogisha-Hrt-Pure |
Ameya-Bhaava-Kuutta-Sthe Jagaddhaatri Namostu Te ||11||

11.1: (I meditate on Devi Jagaddhatri) Who abides in Her Abode which is Unattainable by the Mind; Which is inside the Heart-Abode of the Great Yogis,
11.2: Who abides in that Immeasurable Summit of Divine Feelings; O Devi Jagaddhatri, Salutations to You.


Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
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Translated by greenmesg

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7. Sanskrit
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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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