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Description of Ganga - In sanskrit with meaning

- from Valmiki Ramayana (2.50)

Description of Ganga : from Valmiki Ramayana
Devi Ganga
Devi Ganga


Sri Rama
तत्र त्रिपथगां दिव्यां शीततोयामशैवलाम्
ददर्श राघवो गङ्गा रम्यामृषिनिषेविताम् ॥२
Tatra Tri-Patha-Gaam Divyaam Shiita-Toyaam-Ashaivalaam |
Dadarsha Raaghavo Ganggaa Ramyaam-Rssi-Nissevitaam ||VR 2.50.12||

1: There, the river which flows along Three Paths, the river which is Divine, the river which carries cool and clear waters without weeds or moss, ...
2: ... Raghava (Sri Rama) saw that river Ganga, which is pleasing to the eyes and which is frequented and honoured by the Sages.


Devi Ganga
आश्रमैरविदूरस्थैः श्रीमद्भिः समलंकृताम्
कालेऽप्सरोभिर्हृष्टाभिः सेविताम्भोह्रदां शिवाम् ॥२
Aashramair-Aviduurasthaih Shriimadbhih Samalamkrtaam |
Kaale-[A]psarobhir-Hrssttaabhih Sevita-Ambho-Hradaam Shivaam ||VR 2.50.13||

1: The river bank was well adorned with beautiful Hermitages situated not far from each other,
2: At suitable hours, Apsaras (celestial Nymphs) frequented that river of Auspicious Waters and greatly rejoiced in that surroundings.


Devi Ganga
देवदानवगन्धर्वैः किंनरैरुपशोभिताम्
नागगन्धर्वपत्नीभिः सेवितां सततं शिवाम् ॥२
Deva-Daanava-Gandharvaih Kinnarair-Upashobhitaam |
Naaga-Gandharva-Patniibhih Sevitaam Satatam Shivaam ||VR 2.50.14||

1: The river was adorned with the presence of Devas, Danavas (Demons), Gandharvas (Celestial Singers), Kinnaras, ...
2: ... as well as the wives of Nagas and Gandharvas who always frequented that Auspicious surroundings.


Devi Ganga
देवाक्रीडशताकीर्णां देवोद्यानयुतां नदीम्
देवार्थमाकाशगतां विख्यातां देवपद्मिनीम् ॥२
Devaa-Kriidda-Shata-[A]akiirnnaam Devo[a-U]dyaana-Yutaam Nadiim |
Deva-Artham-Aakaasha-Gataam Vikhyaataam Deva-Padminiim ||VR 2.50.15||

1: The River is filled with hundreds of Celestial Playgrounds which are connected with Celestial Gardens,
2: For the sake of the Devas, the most excellent Devi (i.e. Devi Ganga) flowed in Heaven (one stream of Ganga flows in heaven), and this tale is well-known to all.


Devi Ganga
जलाघाताट्टहासोग्रां फेननिर्मलहासिनीम्
क्वचिद् वेणीकृत जलां क्वचिदावर्तशोभिताम् ॥२
Jala-[A]aghaat-Aattttahaaso[a-U]graam Phena-Nirmala-Haasiniim |
Kvacid Vennii-Krta Jalaam Kvacid-Aavarta-Shobhitaam ||VR 2.50.16||

1: At places where the river water strikes (against rocks), it creates loud mighty Laughter, and (which is followed by) soft Laughter created by Pure Foams,
2: At some places the river water twists like Plaited Hair, and at other places it is adorned by Whirlpool.


Devi Ganga
क्वाचित् स्थिमितगम्भीरां क्वचिद् वेगसमाकुलाम्
क्वचिद् गम्भीर निर्घोषां क्वचिद् भैरवनिःस्वनाम् ॥२
Kvaacit Sthimita-Gambhiiraam Kvacid Vega-Samaakulaam |
Kvacid Gambhiira Nirghossaam Kvacid Bhairava-Nihsvanaam ||VR 2.50.17||

1: At some places the river is Calm and Deep, while at other places it bursts with Speed,
2: At some places one can hear the Sound of her Deep (Silence), while at other places one can feel the Silence within her Terrible (Flow).


Devi Ganga
देवसंघाप्लुतजलां निर्मलोत्पलसंकुलाम्
क्वचिदाभोगपुलिनां क्वचिन्निर्मलवालुकाम् ॥२
Deva-Sangha-Apluta-Jalaam Nirmalo[a-U]tpala-Samkulaam |
Kvacid-Aabhoga-Pulinaam Kvacin-Nirmala-Vaalukaam ||VR 2.50.18||

1: The river Water is bathed with congregation of Devas, and abounds with stainless Pure Lotuses,
2: At some places it has curved Islands, and at other places it has clear Sand (Banks).


Devi Ganga
हंससारससंघुष्टां चक्रवाकोपशोभिताम्
सदामत्तैश्च विहगैरभिपन्नामनिन्दिताम् ॥२
Hamsa-Saarasa-Samghussttaam Cakravaako[a-U]pashobhitaam |
Sadaa-Mattaish-Ca Vihagair-Abhipannaam-Aninditaam ||VR 2.50.19||

1: The river is resonant with the sounds of Swans and Cranes, adorned with Chakra Birds, ....
2: ... as well as filled with many other Birds who are always overjoyed (and stays in her vicinity); such is the virtuous river.


Devi Ganga
क्वचित् तीररुहैर्वृक्षैर्मालाभिरिव शोभिताम्
क्वचित् फुल्लोत्पलच्छन्नां क्वचित् पद्मवनाकुलाम् ॥२
Kvacit Tiira-Ruhair-Vrkssair-Maalaabhir-Iva Shobhitaam |
Kvacit Phullo[a-U]tpalac-Channaam Kvacit Padma-Vana-[A]akulaam ||VR 2.50.20||

1: At some places Trees adorn the river banks like a garland,
2: At some places it is covered with blooming Lotuses, while at other places it is filled with Lotus groves.


Devi Ganga
क्वचित् कुमुदखण्डैश्च कुड्मलैरुपशोभिताम्
नानापुष्परजोध्वस्तां समदामिव क्वचित् ॥२
Kvacit Kumuda-Khannddaish-Ca Kuddmalair-Upashobhitaam |
Naanaa-Pusspa-Rajo-Dhvastaam Samadaam-Iva Ca Kvacit ||VR 2.50.21||

1: At some places the river is adorned with multitude of buds of Water-Lilies,
2: And at other places the various Flowers fill the atmosphere with their pollen, as if intoxicated.


Devi Ganga
व्यपेतमलसंघातां मणिनिर्मलदर्शनाम्
दिशागजैर्वनगजैर्मत्तैश्च वरवारणैः ॥२
Vyapeta-Mala-Sanghaataam Manni-Nirmala-Darshanaam |
Dishaa-Gajair-Vana-Gajair-Mattaish-Ca Vara-Vaarannaih ||VR 2.50.22||

1: Due to the presence of the river, mass of impurities have disappeared, and the directions are appearing like spotlessly Pure Gem,
2: Due to the Elephants (symbolical) of the Directions (rendered Pure by the river), the Elephants of the Forests have become overjoyed; those excellent Elephants.


Devi Ganga
देवराजोपवाह्यैश्च संनादितवनान्तराम्
प्रमदामिव यत्नेन भूषितां भूषणोत्तमैः ॥२
Devaraajo[a-U]pavaahyaish-Ca Samnaadita-Vanaantaraam |
Pramadaam-Iva Yatnena Bhuussitaam Bhuussanno[a-U]ttamaih ||VR 2.50.23||

1: (As if) The entire Forest is filled with the trumpets of the Elephants which carries Devaraja (i.e. Indra Deva),
2: The whole region is as if carefully decorated with various excellent ornaments (of Nature) for rejoicing in it.


Devi Ganga
फलपुष्पैः किसलयैर्वृतां गुल्मैर्द्विजैस्तथा
विष्णुपादच्युतां दिव्यामपापां पापनाशिनीम् ॥२
Phala-Pusspaih Kisalayair-Vrtaam Gulmair-Dvijais-Tathaa |
Vissnnu-Psaada-Cyutaam Divyaam-Apaapaam Paapa-Naashiniim ||VR 2.50.24||

1: The cluster of Trees and Shrubs are decorated with various Fruits and Flowers, and covered with young tender leaves, and also by various Birds (playing over them),
2: The river has originated from the Feet of Sri Vishnu; She is Divine and sinless, and the destroyer of Sins.


Devi Ganga
शिंशुमारैश्च नक्रैश्च भुजङ्गैश्च समन्विताम्
शंकरस्य जटाजूटाद् भ्रष्टां सागरतेजसा ॥२
Shimshumaaraish-Ca Nakraish-Ca Bhujanggaish-Ca Samanvitaam |
Shankarasya Jattaajuuttaad Bhrassttaam Saagara-Tejasaa ||VR 2.50.25||

1: The (deeper parts of the) river are filled with Porpoises, Crocodiles and various Serpents,
2: The river has fallen from the Matted Hairs of Sri Shankara, and is filled with the power of penance of king Sagara and his descendants.


Sri Rama
समुद्रमहिषीं गङ्गा सारसक्रौञ्चनादिताम्
आससाद महाबाहुः शृङ्गवेरपुरं प्रति ॥२
Samudra-Mahissiim Ganggaa |
Aasasaada Mahaa-Baahuh Shrnggaverapuram Prati ||VR 2.50.26||

1: River Ganga, the consort of the Ocean, which was resounding with the sounds of Cranes and Ospreys, ....
2: ... Sri Rama, the one with Mighty Arms, reached her banks near the place known as Shringaverapura.


Sri Rama
तामूर्मिकलिलावर्तामन्ववेक्ष्य महारथः
सुमन्त्रमब्रवीत् सूतमिहैवाद्य वसामहे ॥२
Taam-Uurmi-Kalila-[A]avartaam-Anvavekssya Mahaarathah |
Sumantram-Abraviit Suutam-Ihai[a-E]va-Adya Vasaamahe ||VR 2.50.27||

1: Seeing her waters full of Waves forming beautiful Curves, the great Warrier Sri Rama, ...
2: ... said to Sumantra, the charioteer, "we will stay here today".


Sri Rama
अविदूरादयं नद्या बहुपुष्पप्रवालवान्
सुमहानिङ्गुदीवृक्षो वसामोऽत्रैव सारथे ॥२
Aviduuraad-Ayam Nadyaa Bahu-Pusspa-Pravaalavaan |
Sumahaan-Inggudii-Vrksso Vasaamo-[A]trai[a-E]va Saarathe ||VR 2.50.28||

1: (Sri Rama said:) Not very far from here, and nourished by the River, with many Flowers and Shoots, ...
2: ... is that very huge Ingudi Tree; we will stay there itself, O Sarathi (Charioteer).


Devi Ganga
प्रेक्षामि सरितां श्रेष्ठां सम्मान्यसलिलां शिवाम्
देवमानवगन्धर्वमृगपन्नगपक्षिणाम् ॥२
Prekssaami Saritaam Shresstthaam Sammaanya-Salilaam Shivaam |
Deva-Maanava-Gandharva-Mrga-Pannaga-Pakssinnaam ||2.50.29||

1: I will see the most excellent River, the waters of which is Auspicious and respected by ...
2: ... Devas, Human Beings, Gandharvas (Celestial Singers), Animals, Serpents and Birds.


Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
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Translated by greenmesg

Stotras related to Divinity & Nature:

Mother EarthAditya Hridayam (Valmiki Ramayana)
Agni Suktam (RV 1.1)
Apah Suktam (RV 10.9)
Bhoomi Sukta Excerpts (AV 12.1)
Brahma Murari Tripurantakari (VmP 14)
Gange Ca Yamune Caiva (Snana sloka)
Ganga Stotram (of Adi Shankaracharya)
Ganga descent from Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 5.17)
Ganga description from Ramayana (VR 2.5)
Krishna & Vrindavana Forest (SB 10.15)
Kshetrapati Suktam (RV 4.57)
Narmadashtakam (of Adi Shankaracharya)
Reva Mahatmya Varnanam (from Skanda Purana - Reva Khanda - Ch 2)
Samudra Vasane Devi (Kshama Prarthana sloka)
Shakambhari (Shatakshi) Mahatmyam (DB 7.28)
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam (Deepa Jyoti sloka)
Suryashtakam (Stotra on Suryadeva)
Tulasi Stotram (Stotra on Devi Tulasi)
Yamunashtakam (of Adi Shankaracharya)

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras
2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature

Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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