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Matangi Dhyanam
Matangi Dhyanam - In sanskrit with meaning
मातंगी ध्यानम् - श्यामांगीं शशिशेखरां त्रिनयनां रत्नसिंहासनस्थिताम्
Matangi Dhyanam - Shyamangim Shashi Shekharaam Trinayanam Ratna Simhasana Sthitam
Devi Matangi
श्यामांगीं शशिशेखरां त्रिनयनां रत्नसिंहासनस्थिताम्
वेदैः बाहुदण्डैरसिखेटकपाशांकुशधराम् ॥
Shyaama-Anggiim Shashi-Shekharaam Tri-Nayanaam Ratna-Simhaasana-Sthitaam
Vedaih Baahu-Dannddair-Asi-Khettaka-Paasha-Angkusha-Dharaam ||
1: (I meditate on Devi Matangi) Whose
Form is of
Dark Blue complexion, Who has the
Moon on Her
Head, Who has
Three Eyes and Who is
abiding on a
Throne which is studded with
2: With Her
four Arms She is
holding the
Sword (Asi),
Shield (Khetaka),
Noose (Pasha) and
Hook (Angkusha).

Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
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Translated by greenmesg
Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:
1. Stotras
2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature