जानकि त्वां नमस्यामि सर्वपापप्रणाशिनीम् ॥१॥
Jaanaki Tvaam Namasyaami Sarva-Paapa-Prannaashiniim ||1||
(Hanumanji said:)
1.1: O
Devi Janaki, I
salute You; You are the
destroyer of all

दारिद्र्यरणसंहर्त्रीं भक्तानाभिष्टदायिनीम् ।
विदेहराजतनयां राघवानन्दकारिणीम् ॥२॥
Daaridrya-Ranna-Samhartriim Bhaktaana-Abhisstta-Daayiniim |
Videha-Raaja-Tanayaam Raaghava-
[A]ananda-Kaarinniim ||2||
2.1: (I Salute You) You are the
destroyer of
Poverty (in the battle of life) and
bestower of
wishes of the
2.2: (I Salute You) You are the
daughter of
Videha Raja (King Janaka), and
cause of
Joy of
Raghava (Sri Rama),

भूमेर्दुहितरं विद्यां नमामि प्रकृतिं शिवाम् ।
पौलस्त्यैश्वर्यसंहत्रीं भक्ताभीष्टां सरस्वतीम् ॥३॥
Bhuumer-Duhitaram Vidyaam Namaami Prakrtim Shivaam |
[A]ishvarya-Samhatriim Bhakta-Abhiissttaam Sarasvatiim ||3||
3.1: I
Salute You, You are the
daughter of the
Earth and the embodiment of
Knowledge; You are the
Auspicious Prakriti,
3.2: (I Salute You) You are the
destroyer of the
Power and Supremacy of (oppressors like)
Ravana, (and at the same time)
fulfiller of the
wishes of the
Devotees; You are an embodiment of

पतिव्रताधुरीणां त्वां नमामि जनकात्मजाम् ।
अनुग्रहपरामृद्धिमनघां हरिवल्लभाम् ॥४॥
Pativrataa-Dhuriinnaam Tvaam Namaami Janaka-
[A]atmajaam |
Anugraha-Paraam-Rddhim-Anaghaam Hari-Vallabhaam ||4||
4.1: I
Salute You, You are the
best among
Pativratas (Ideal Wife devoted to Husband), (and at the same time) the
Soul of
Janaka (Ideal
Daughter devoted to Father),
4.2: (I Salute You) You are
very Gracious (being Yourself the embodiment of)
Riddhi (Lakshmi), (Pure and)
Sinless, and
extremely Beloved of Hari,

आत्मविद्यां त्रयीरूपामुमारूपां नमाम्यहम् ।
प्रसादाभिमुखीं लक्ष्मीं क्षीराब्धितनयां शुभाम् ॥५॥
Aatma-Vidyaam Trayii-Ruupaam-Umaa-Ruupaam Namaamyaham |
Prasaada-Abhimukhiim Lakssmiim Kssiira-Abdhi-Tanayaam Shubhaam ||5||
5.1: I
Salute You, You are the embodiment of
Atma Vidya, mentioned in the
Three Vedas (Manifesting its Inner Beauty in Life); You are of the
nature of
Devi Uma,
5.2: (I Salute You) You are the
Auspicious Lakshmi, the
daughter of the
Milky Ocean, and always
intent on bestowing
Grace (to the Devotees),

नमामि चन्द्रभगिनीं सीतां सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरीम् ।
नमामि धर्मनिलयां करुणां वेदमातरम् ॥६॥
Namaami Candra-Bhaginiim Siitaam Sarva-Angga-Sundariim |
Namaami Dharma-Nilayaam Karunnaam Veda-Maataram ||6||
6.1: I
Salute You, You are like the
sister of
Chandra (in Beauty), You are
Sita Who is
Beautiful in Her
6.2: (I Salute You) You are an
Abode of
Dharma, full of
Compassion and the
Mother of

पद्मालयां पद्महस्तां विष्णुवक्षःस्थलालयाम् ।
नमामि चन्द्रनिलयां सीतां चन्द्रनिभाननाम् ॥७॥
[A]alayaam Padma-Hastaam Vissnnu-Vakssah-Sthala-
[A]alayaam |
Namaami Candra-Nilayaam Siitaam Candra-Nibha-
[A]ananaam ||7||
7.1: (I Salute You) (You as Devi Lakshmi)
Abide in
Lotus, hold
Lotus in Your
Hands, and always
reside in the
Heart of
Sri Vishnu,
7.2: I
Salute You, You
reside in
Chandra Mandala, You are
Sita Whose
Face resembles the

आह्लादरूपिणीं सिद्धिं शिवां शिवकरीं सतीम् ।
नमामि विश्वजननीं रामचन्द्रेष्टवल्लभाम् ।
सीतां सर्वानवद्याङ्गीं भजामि सततं हृदा ॥८॥
Aahlaada-Ruupinniim Siddhim Shivaam Shivakariim Satiim |
Namaami Vishva-Jananiim Raamacandre
[a-I]sstta-Vallabhaam |
Siitaam Sarvaan-Avadya-Anggiim Bhajaami Satatam Hrdaa ||8||
8.1: (I Salute You) Your
Form gives
Joy to all, You are the
Sati (Devoted Wife) Whose presence is
Auspicious and confers
Siddhi and
8.2: I
Salute the
Mother of the
Universe, Who is the
Beloved of
8.3: I
always Worship You in my
Heart, O Mother Sita, You are Beautiful in
entirety, the Beauty which
cannot be expressed in words.

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Translated by greenmesg