ब्रह्ममुरारिसुरार्चितलिङ्गं निर्मलभासितशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
जन्मजदुःखविनाशकलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥१॥
Brahma-Muraari-Sura-Arcita-Linggam Nirmala-Bhaasita-Shobhita-Linggam |
Janmaja-Duhkha-Vinaashaka-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||1||
1.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is
Adored by
Lord Brahma,
Lord Vishnu and the
Gods, which is
Shining, and well-
1.2: And which
Destroys the
Sorrows associated with
Birth (and human life).
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

देवमुनिप्रवरार्चितलिङ्गं कामदहं करुणाकरलिङ्गम् ।
रावणदर्पविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥२॥
Deva-Muni-Pravara-Aarcita-Linggam Kaama-Dahan Karunnaa-Kara-Linggam |
Raavanna-Darpa-Vinaashana-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||2||
2.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is
Worshipped by the
Gods and the
Best of
Sages, which
Burns the
Desires, which is
2.2: And which
Destroyed the
Pride of demon
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

सर्वसुगन्धिसुलेपितलिङ्गं बुद्धिविवर्धनकारणलिङ्गम् ।
सिद्धसुरासुरवन्दितलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥३॥
Sarva-Sugandhi-Sulepita-Linggam Buddhi-Vivardhana-Kaaranna-Linggam |
Siddha-Sura-Asura-Vandita-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||3||
3.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is beautifully
Smeared with Various
Fragrant pastes, which is the
Cause behind the
Elevation of a person's (Spiritual)
Intelligence and Discernment,
3.2 And which is
Praised by the
Devas and the
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

कनकमहामणिभूषितलिङ्गं फणिपतिवेष्टितशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
दक्षसुयज्ञविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥४॥
Kanaka-Mahaamanni-Bhuussita-Linggam Phanni-Pati-Vessttita-Shobhita-Linggam |
Dakssa-Su-Yajnya-Vinaashana-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||4||
4.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is
Decorated with
Gold and other
Precious Gems, which is
Adorned with the
Best of the
Serpents Wrapped around it,
4.2: And which
Destroyed the
Grand Sacrifice (Yajna)
of Daksha.
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

कुङ्कुमचन्दनलेपितलिङ्गं पङ्कजहारसुशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
सञ्चितपापविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥५॥
Kungkuma-Candana-Lepita-Linggam Pangkaja-Haara-Su-Shobhita-Linggam |
San.cita-Paapa-Vinaashana-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||5||
5.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is
Anointed with
Kumkuma (Saffron)
and Chandana (Sandal Paste), which is
Beautifully Decorated with
Garlands of
5.2: And which
Destroys the
Accumulated Sins (of several lives).
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

देवगणार्चितसेवितलिङ्गं भावैर्भक्तिभिरेव च लिङ्गम् ।
दिनकरकोटिप्रभाकरलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥६॥
Deva-Ganna-Aarcita-Sevita-Linggam Bhaavair-Bhaktibhir-Eva Ca Linggam |
Dinakara-Kotti-Prabhaakara-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||6||
6.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is
Worshipped and
Served by the
Group of Devas (Gods) with True
Bhava (Emotion, Contemplation) and
Bhakti (Devotion),
6.2: And which has the
Splendour of
Million Suns.
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

अष्टदलोपरिवेष्टितलिङ्गं सर्वसमुद्भवकारणलिङ्गम् ।
अष्टदरिद्रविनाशितलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥७॥
Asstta-Dalo-Parivessttita-Linggam Sarva-Samudbhava-Kaaranna-Linggam |
Asstta-Daridra-Vinaashita-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||7||
7.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is
Surrounded by
Eight-Petalled Flowers, which is the
Cause behind All
7.2: And which
Destroys the
Eight Poverties.
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

सुरगुरुसुरवरपूजितलिङ्गं सुरवनपुष्पसदार्चितलिङ्गम् ।
परात्परं परमात्मकलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥८॥
Suraguru-Suravara-Puujita-Linggam Suravana-Pusspa-Sada-Aarcita-Linggam |
Paraatparam Paramaatmaka-Linggam Tat Prannamaami Sadaashiva-Linggam ||8||
8.1: (I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam) Which is
Worshipped by the
Preceptor of Gods (Lord Brihaspati) and the
Best of the Gods, which is
Always Worshipped by the
Flowers from the
Celestial Garden,
8.2: Which is
Superior than the
Best and which is the
I Salute that
Eternal Shiva Lingam.

लिङ्गाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेत् शिवसन्निधौ ।
शिवलोकमवाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते ॥
Linggaassttakam-Idam Punnyam Yah Patthet Shiva-Sannidhau |
Shivalokam-Avaapnoti Shivena Saha Modate ||
9.1: Whoever
Recites this
Lingasthakam (hymn consisting of eight stanzas in praise of the Linga)
near Shiva (Lingam),
9.2: Will
Attain the Abode of Shiva and enjoy His

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Translated by greenmesg