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Aatmaa Nityo Avyayah Shuddha

- from Srimad Bhagavatam 7.7.18 and 7.7.21

आत्मा नित्योऽव्ययः शुद्ध
Aatmaa Nityo Avyayah Shuddha
Sri Vishnu
Sri Vishnu

जन्माद्याः षडिमे भावा दृष्टा देहस्य नात्मनः
फलानामिव वृक्षस्य कालेनेश्वरमूर्तिना ॥ ७
..१८ ॥
Janma-[A]adyaah Ssadd-Ime Bhaavaa Drssttaa Dehasya Na-[A]atmanah |
Phalaanaam-Iva Vrkssasya Kaalene[a-I]shvara-Muurtinaa || SB 7.7.18 ||

(Prahlada telling his companions in the school of Shukracharya)

SB 7.7.18 - 1: Starting with Birth, these six Conditions (i.e. Birth, Existence, Growth, Maturity, Decay and Death) which are seen; are all of the Body, and not of the Aatman,
SB 7.7.18 - 2: This is like the Fruits of the Tree (which undergoes change while the Tree remains the same); These transformations are due to Time (Kala), which is a manifestation of Ishwara.


Sri Vishnu
आत्मा नित्योऽव्ययः शुद्ध एकः क्षेत्रज्ञ आश्रयः
अविक्रियः स्वदृग् हेतुर्व्यापकोऽसङ्‌‌ग्यनावृतः ॥ ७
..१९ ॥
Aatmaa Nityo[ah-A]vyayah Shuddha Ekah Kssetrajnya Aashrayah |
Avikriyah Svadrg Hetur-Vyaapako-[A]sanggy[i]-Anaavrtah || SB 7.7.19 ||

SB 7.7.19 - 1 and SB 7.7.19 - 2: Aatmaa is:
[1] [Nitya] (Eternal)
[2] [Avyaya] (Undecaying)
[3] [Shuddha] (Pure)
[4] [Eka] (One without a second)
[5] [Kshetragna] (Knower of the Kshetra of Body-Mind)
[6] [Aashraya] (Foundation and Support of everything)
[7] [Avikriya] (Unchanging)
[8] [Svadrik] (Self-Aware)
[9] [Hetu] (Cause of everything)
[10] [Vyapaka] (All-Pervading)
[11] [Asangi] (Unattached)
[12] [Anavrita] (Not Enclosed or Constrained by anything),


Sri Vishnu
एतैर्द्वादशभिर्विद्वानात्मनो लक्षणैः परैः
अहं ममेत्यसद्भ‍ावं देहादौ मोहजं त्यजेत् ॥ ७
..२० ॥
Etair-Dvaadashabhir-Vidvaan-Aatmano Lakssannaih Paraih |
Aham Mame[a-I]ty[i]-Asad-Bhaaavam Deha-Adau Mohajam Tyajet || SB 7.7.20 ||

SB 7.7.20 - 1: By (meditating on) these twelve characteristics of Aatmaa, which are transcendental (i.e. describes the transcendental plane beyond Body-Mind complex); a Vidvan (Learned and Wise person) ...
SB 7.7.20 - 2: ... should give up the false feeling of I and mine (i.e. feeling of attachment) in relation to Body etc. (i.e. Body and its worldly associations), which are born of delusion.


Sri Vishnu
स्वर्णं यथा ग्रावसु हेमकारः क्षेत्रेषु योगैस्तदभिज्ञ आप्नुयात्
क्षेत्रेषु देहेषु तथात्मयोगैरध्यात्मविद् ब्रह्मगतिं लभेत ॥ ७
..२१ ॥
Svarnnam Yathaa Graavasu Hemakaarah Kssetressu Yogais-Tad-Abhijnya Aapnuyaat |
Kssetressu Dehessu Tathaa-[Aa]tma-Yogair-Adhyaatma-Vid Brahma-Gatim Labheta || SB 7.7.21 ||

SB 7.7.21 - 1: As a Hemakara (Goldsmith, here Gold-extractor) obtains Gold (hidden) within the Field (Kshetra) of Stones, by means of Yoga (i.e. Connection) appropriate to that Field, through his expert knowledge,
SB 7.7.21 - 2: Similarly, an Adhyatma-vid (knower of Spiritual Science) can obtain the transcendental perception of Brahman (Supreme Consciousness), within the Field (Kshetra) of Body (Body-Mind complex) through Aatma-Yoga (Yoga of Aatmaa).


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Translated by greenmesg

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras
2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature

Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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