जन्माद्याः षडिमे भावा दृष्टा देहस्य नात्मनः ।
फलानामिव वृक्षस्य कालेनेश्वरमूर्तिना ॥ ७.
१८ ॥
[A]adyaah Ssadd-Ime Bhaavaa Drssttaa Dehasya Na-
[A]atmanah |
Phalaanaam-Iva Vrkssasya Kaalene
[a-I]shvara-Muurtinaa || SB 7.7.18 ||
(Prahlada telling his companions in the school of Shukracharya)
SB 7.7.18 - 1: Starting with
these six Conditions (i.e. Birth, Existence, Growth, Maturity, Decay and Death) which are
seen; are all of the
Body, and
not of the
SB 7.7.18 - 2: This is
like the
Fruits of the
Tree (which undergoes change while the Tree remains the same); These transformations are due to
Time (Kala), which is a
manifestation of

आत्मा नित्योऽव्ययः शुद्ध एकः क्षेत्रज्ञ आश्रयः ।
अविक्रियः स्वदृग् हेतुर्व्यापकोऽसङ्ग्यनावृतः ॥ ७.
१९ ॥
Aatmaa Nityo
[ah-A]vyayah Shuddha Ekah Kssetrajnya Aashrayah |
Avikriyah Svadrg Hetur-Vyaapako-
[i]-Anaavrtah || SB 7.7.19 ||
SB 7.7.19 - 1 and SB 7.7.19 - 2: Aatmaa is:
[Nitya] (Eternal)
[Avyaya] (Undecaying)
[Shuddha] (Pure)
[Eka] (One without a second)
[Kshetragna] (Knower of the Kshetra of Body-Mind)
[Aashraya] (Foundation and Support of everything)
[Avikriya] (Unchanging)
[Svadrik] (Self-Aware)
[Hetu] (Cause of everything)
[Vyapaka] (All-Pervading)
[Asangi] (Unattached)
[Anavrita] (Not Enclosed or Constrained by anything),

एतैर्द्वादशभिर्विद्वानात्मनो लक्षणैः परैः ।
अहं ममेत्यसद्भावं देहादौ मोहजं त्यजेत् ॥ ७.
२० ॥
Etair-Dvaadashabhir-Vidvaan-Aatmano Lakssannaih Paraih |
Aham Mame
[i]-Asad-Bhaaavam Deha-Adau Mohajam Tyajet || SB 7.7.20 ||
SB 7.7.20 - 1: By (meditating on)
these twelve characteristics of
Aatmaa, which are
transcendental (i.e. describes the transcendental plane beyond Body-Mind complex); a
Vidvan (Learned and Wise person) ...
SB 7.7.20 - 2: ... should
give up the
false feeling of
I and mine (i.e. feeling of attachment) in relation to
Body etc. (i.e. Body and its worldly associations), which are
born of

स्वर्णं यथा ग्रावसु हेमकारः क्षेत्रेषु योगैस्तदभिज्ञ आप्नुयात् ।
क्षेत्रेषु देहेषु तथात्मयोगैरध्यात्मविद् ब्रह्मगतिं लभेत ॥ ७.
२१ ॥
Svarnnam Yathaa Graavasu Hemakaarah Kssetressu Yogais-Tad-Abhijnya Aapnuyaat |
Kssetressu Dehessu Tathaa-
[Aa]tma-Yogair-Adhyaatma-Vid Brahma-Gatim Labheta || SB 7.7.21 ||
SB 7.7.21 - 1: As a
Hemakara (Goldsmith, here Gold-extractor)
obtains Gold (hidden) within the
Field (Kshetra) of
Stones, by means of
Yoga (i.e. Connection) appropriate to that Field, through his expert
SB 7.7.21 - 2: Similarly, an
Adhyatma-vid (knower of Spiritual Science) can
obtain the transcendental perception of
Brahman (Supreme Consciousness), within the
Field (Kshetra) of
Body (Body-Mind complex) through
Aatma-Yoga (Yoga of Aatmaa).

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Translated by greenmesg