श्रीप्रह्राद उवाच
कौमार आचरेत्प्राज्ञो धर्मान्भागवतानिह ।
दुर्लभं मानुषं जन्म तदप्यध्रुवमर्थदम् ॥ ७.
१ ॥
Shriiprahraada Uvaaca
Kaumaara Aacaret-Praajnyo Dharmaan-Bhaagavataan-Iha |
Durlabham Maanussam Janma Tad-Apy
[i]-Adhruvam-Arthadam || SB 7.6.1 ||
(Prahlada telling his companions in the school of Shukracharya)
Sri Prahlada said:
SB 7.6.1 - 1: From the
Childhood (Kaumara) itself,
intelligent person should practise the
Bhagavata Dharma (Devotional Practices towards the Supreme Being) in
this world, ...
SB 7.6.1 - 2: .. because
Human Birth is very
Difficult to Obtain; and
that too it is
Transient; and Uncertain how long it will
Confer Benefits (i.e. provide the opportunity to call on God and meditate on Him).

यथा हि पुरुषस्येह विष्णोः पादोपसर्पणम् ।
यदेष सर्वभूतानां प्रिय आत्मेश्वरः सुहृत् ॥ ७.
२ ॥
Yathaa Hi Purussasye
[a-I]ha Vissnnoh Paado
[a-U]pasarpannam |
Yad-Essa Sarva-Bhuutaanaam Priya Aatme
[a-Ii]shvara: Suhrt || SB 7.6.2 ||
SB 7.6.2 - 1: Because (of the Value of Human Life combined with its Transient Nature) the goal of a
Person (Human Being) in
this world should be to
approach the
Lotus Feet of
SB 7.6.2 - 2: He Who is very
Dear to
all Beings, their very
Soul and
Controller, and
Friend of all,

सुखमैन्द्रियकं दैत्या देहयोगेन देहिनाम् ।
सर्वत्र लभ्यते दैवाद्यथा दुःखमयत्नतः ॥ ७.
३ ॥
Sukham-Aindriyakam Daityaa Deha-Yogena Dehinaam |
Sarvatra Labhyate Daivaad-Yathaa Duhkham-Ayatnatah || SB 7.6.3 ||
SB 7.6.3 - 1: Pleasures (Sukha) of
Sense Organs (Indriyas)
connected with the
Body, by the
embodied Beings, ...
SB 7.6.3 - 2: ... are
obtained everywhere (i.e. in all births like animal-birth etc.); Such is the
Divine Rule; And
similarly Sorrows pertaining to Sense Organs are also obtained
without Effort.

तत्प्रयासो न कर्तव्यो यत आयुर्व्ययः परम् ।
न तथा विन्दते क्षेमं मुकुन्दचरणाम्बुजम् ॥ ७.
४ ॥
Tat-Prayaaso Na Kartavyo Yata Aayur-Vyayah Param |
Na Tathaa Vindate Kssemam Mukunda-Caranna-Ambujam || SB 7.6.4 ||
SB 7.6.4 - 1: That Effort is
not to be done; by
which there is
merely passing away (i.e. wasting) of
Life-span (of extremely valuable human life),
SB 7.6.4 - 2: Also, by that Effort, is
not obtained, the great
Peace and
Tranquility, which is obtained by Devotion to the
Lotus-Feet of

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Translated by greenmesg