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Na Hi Acyutam Prinayato - In sanskrit with meaning

- from Srimad Bhagavatam 7.6.19 and 7.6.24

न हि अच्युतं प्रीणयतो बहु आयासो
Na Hi Acyutam Prinayato
Sri Vishnu
Sri Vishnu

ह्यच्युतं प्रीणयतो बह्वायासोऽसुरात्मजाः
आत्मत्वात्सर्वभूतानां सिद्धत्वादिह सर्वतः ॥ ७
..१९ ॥
Na Hy[i]-Acyutam Priinnayato Bahv[u]-Aayaaso-[A]sura-[A]atmajaah |
Aatmatvaat-Sarva-Bhuutaanaam Siddhatvaad-Iha Sarvatah || SB 7.6.19 ||

(Prahlada telling his companions in the school of Shukracharya)

SB 7.6.19 - 1: Not indeed does pleasing Acyuta require much effort, O sons of the Asuras, ...
SB 7.6.19 - 2: .. because He is already established here (i.e. established in us) as the essence of Aatmaa in every being,


Sri Vishnu
परावरेषु भूतेषु ब्रह्मान्तस्थावरादिषु
भौतिकेषु विकारेषु भूतेष्वथ महत्सु ॥ ७
..२० ॥
Para-Avaressu Bhuutessu Brahmaa-Anta-Sthaavara-[A]adissu |
Bhautikessu Vikaaressu Bhuutessv[u]-Atha Mahatsu Ca || SB 7.6.20 ||

SB 7.6.20 - 1: (Acyuta is present as the Aatmaa) within all beings; from the highest to the lowest; starting with non-moving beings (i.e. non-living beings) and ending with Brahma,
SB 7.6.20 - 2: (Acyuta is also present as the Aatmaa) within all Material beings; and moreover within the energy of Transformation of those Material beings (which results in the Material creation); starting with the subtlest Mahat Tattvas (Primordial Material Elements),


Sri Vishnu
गुणेषु गुणसाम्ये गुणव्यतिकरे तथा
एक एव परो ह्यात्मा भगवानीश्वरोऽव्ययः ॥ ७
..२१ ॥
Gunnessu Gunna-Saamye Ca Gunna-Vyatikare Tathaa |
Eka Eva Paro Hy[i]-Aatmaa Bhagavaan-Iishvaro-[A]vyayah || SB 7.6.21 ||

SB 7.6.21 - 1: (Acyuta is present as the Aatmaa) Within all Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas); He is present when those Gunas are in equilibrium, as well as when those Gunas are in a state of dis-equilibrium (which gives rise to diversities in Creation),
SB 7.6.21 - 2: There is indeed only One Supreme Aatmaa Who is the Bhagavan (the Supreme Divine Being or Supreme Divine Consciousness), Who is also the Ishwara (the Supreme Divine Being as the Controller of the Universe); Who is free from modifications (even though there is continuous modifications in Creation),


Sri Vishnu
प्रत्यगात्मस्वरूपेण द‍ृश्यरूपेण स्वयम्
व्याप्यव्यापकनिर्देश्यो ह्यनिर्देश्योऽविकल्पितः ॥ ७
..२२ ॥
Pratyag-Aatma-Svaruupenna Darshya-Ruupenna Ca Svayam |
Vyaapya-Vyaapaka-Nirdeshyo Hy[i]-Anirdeshyo-[A]vikalpitah || SB 7.6.22 ||

SB 7.6.22 - 1: He Himself is present inside us in the form of (i.e. as the consciousness of) Aatmaa; and He Himself is present outside us in the form of the Visible World,
SB 7.6.22 - 2: (He is such Vast that) He makes everything Permeate through Him (i.e. He contains the entire Creation within Himself); (And He is such Subtle that) He Permeates through everything (i.e. He pervades through the entire Creation); In the aspect of differentiation in Creation, He is describable; He indeed is also indescribable in His undifferentiated form (which is beyond the grasp of the sense organs).


Sri Vishnu
केवलानुभवानन्दस्वरूपः परमेश्वरः
माययान्तर्हितैश्वर्य ईयते गुणसर्गया ॥ ७
..२३ ॥
Kevala-Anubhava-[A]ananda-Svaruupah Parameshvarah |
Maayaya-Antarhitai[a-Ai]shvarya Iiyate Gunna-Sargayaa || SB 7.6.23 ||

SB 7.6.23 - 1: He is only experienced as the Pure, Unalloyed Blissful form (of Consciousness in Samadhi); that Parameshwara (Supreme Divine Being) ...
SB 7.6.23 - 2: ... by His Own Power of Maya, conceals His Supremacy (of Transcendental form), and goes about (i..e brings about) Creation through the three Gunas,

तस्मात्सर्वेषु भूतेषु दयां कुरुत सौहृदम्
भावमासुरमुन्मुच्य यया तुष्यत्यधोक्षजः ॥ ७
..२४ ॥
Tasmaat-Sarvessu Bhuutessu Dayaam Kuruta Sauhrdam |
Bhaavam-Aasuram-Unmucya Yayaa Tussyaty[i]-Adhokssajah || SB 7.6.24 ||

SB 7.6.24 - 1: Therefore, unto all beings, show Kindness and Friendship, ...
SB 7.6.24 - 2: ... giving up your (cruel) disposition of Asura; by this Adhokshaja is Pleased.


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Translated by greenmesg

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras
2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature

Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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