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Sayings / Quotes of Swami Vivekananda > Ethics
Shortcomings of Ethics
• The great error in all ethical systems, without exception, has been the failure of teaching the means by which man could refrain from doing evil. All the systems of evil teach, "Do not steal!" Very good; but why does a man steal? Because all stealing, robbing, and other evil actions, as a rule, have become automatic. The systematic robber, thief, liar, unjust man and woman, are all these in spite of themselves! It is really a tremendous psychological problem. We should look upon man in the most charitable light. It is not so easy to be good. What are you but mere machines until you are free? Should you be proud because you are good? Certainly not. You are good because you cannot help it. Another is bad because he cannot help it. If you were in his position, what you would have been?
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