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Amra (Mango) - in sanskrit with meaning

Amra (Mango)
Amra (Mango)

आम्रश्चूतो रसालोऽसौ सहकारोऽतिसौरभः
माकन्दः पिकबन्धुः स्याद्रसालः कामवल्लभः ॥१॥
Aamrash-Cuuto Rasaalo[a-A]sau Sahakaaro-[A]ti-Saurabhah |
Maakandah Pikabandhuh Syaad-Rasaalah Kaamavallabhah ||1||

1.1: Aamra (Mango) is called as Cuta which is Rasala (full of Juice), Sahakara which is Atisaurabha (very Fragrant), ...
1.2: ... Makanda, Pikabandhu (literally meaning friend of cuckoo), is Rasala (as another name of Mango) and Kamavallabha (literally meaning Desire's Favourite).

Aamra (Mango)

आम्रो ग्राही प्रमेहास्रकफपित्तव्रणाञ्जयेत्
तत्फलं बालमत्यम्लं रूक्षं दोषत्रयास्रजित् ॥२॥
Aamro Graahii Prameha-Asra-Kapha-Pitta-Vrannaan.jayet |
Tat-Phalam Baalam-Aty[i]-amlam Ruukssam Dossa-Traya-Asra-Jit ||2||

2.1: Aamra (Mango) is Graahi (Both Dipana [stimulates appetite] and Pacana [helps in digestion], and by virtue of its Ushna Guna [or Virya] dries up the Moisture and helps in digestion) and conquers (i.e. mitigates) Prameha (Urinary disorders including Diabetes), Asra (Blood or blood-related disorders), Kapha (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Moon [Cooling Principle]. Its qualities are heaviness, coldness, oiliness etc), Pitta (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Sun [Heating Principle]. The qualities are heat, sharp acting, fluidity etc) and Vrana (Ulcer, Sore).
2.2: Its Unripe Fruit is very Amla (Sour, Sourness, Acidity), Ruksha (Literally means Rough, Dry. It has the effect of Drying up) and conquers (i.e. mitigates) the three Doshas (The Doshas [Humours] of Ayurveda which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha),

Aamra (Mango)

पक्वं तु मधुरं वृष्यं स्निग्धं हृद्यं बलप्रदम्
गुरु वातहरं रुच्यं वर्ण्यं शीतमपित्तलम्
रसस्तस्य सरः स्निग्धो रोचनो बलवर्णकृत् ॥३॥
Pakvam Tu Madhuram Vrssyam Snigdham Hrdyam Bala-Pradam |
Guru Vaataharam Rucyam Varnnyam Shiitamapittalam |
Rasas-Tasya Sarah Snigdho Rocano Bala-Varnna-Krt ||3||

3.1: Ripe Mango is Madhura (Sweet taste), Vrysya (Aphrodisiac, enhances Semen, improves Sexual vigour), Snigdha (Literally means Slippery, Unctuous, Oily. It has the effect of making Wet or Moistening), Hrdya (Good for the Heart), giver of Bala (Strength), ...
3.2: ... Guru (Heavy, making Big or Fat), remover (i.e. mitigator) of Vata (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to Air (responsible for movement). The qualities are coldness, dryness, lightness etc), Ruchya (Stimulating Taste), Varnya (Improves Colour), Shita (Cold) and does not aggravate Pitta (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Sun [Heating Principle]. The qualities are heat, sharp acting, fluidity etc),
3.3: The Juice of Mango is Sara (Purgative, Laxative, stimulates evacuation of bowels), Snigdha (Literally means Slippery, Unctuous, Oily. It has the effect of making Wet or Moistening), Rocana (Stimulating Taste) and improves Bala (Strength) and Varna (Colour),

Aamra (Mango)

सहकारं वातघ्नं पित्तश्लेष्मविनाशनम्
कषायं मधुरं वृष्यं गुरु स्निग्धं विशेषतः ॥४॥
Sahakaaram Ca Vaata-Ghnam Pitta-Shlessma-Vinaashanam |
Kassaayam Madhuram Vrssyam Guru Snigdham Vishessatah ||4||

4.1: Sahakara (synonym of Mango) kills (i.e. mitigates) Vata (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to Air (responsible for movement). The qualities are coldness, dryness, lightness etc) and destroys (i.e. mitigates) Pitta (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Sun [Heating Principle]. The qualities are heat, sharp acting, fluidity etc) and Sleshma (Phlegm, Mucus, Kapha humour), ...
4.2: ... and it is specially a combination of Kashaya (Astringent taste) and Madhura (Sweet taste), and it is Vrysya (Aphrodisiac, enhances Semen, improves Sexual vigour), Guru (Heavy, making Big or Fat) and Snigdha (Literally means Slippery, Unctuous, Oily. It has the effect of making Wet or Moistening).

Aamra (Mango)

पक्वाम्रं जनयेदायुर्मांसशुक्रबलप्रदम्
शुष्काम्रं तु कषायाम्लं भेदनं कफवातजित् ॥५॥
Pakva-[A]amram Janayed-Aayur-Maamsa-Shukra-Bala-Pradam |
Shusska-[A]amram Tu Kassaaya-Amlam Bhedanam Kapha-Vaata-Jit ||5||

5.1: Ripe Mango increases Ayu (duration of Life), Flesh and Semen and it gives Strength,
5.2: Dried Mango is a combination of Kashaya (Astringent taste) and Amla (Sour, Sourness, Acidity), it is Bhedana (Expels Abaddha [not bound], Baddha [bound] or Pindita [solid mass] Mala [excretory substances] downwards) and conquers Kapha (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Moon [Cooling Principle]. Its qualities are heaviness, coldness, oiliness etc) and Vata (A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to Air (responsible for movement). The qualities are coldness, dryness, lightness etc).

(from Madanapala Nighantu)


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Translated by greenmesg

List of Fruits:
- Amra (Mango)
- Dadima (Pomegranate)
- Draksha (Grapes)
- Jambu (Rose Apple)
- Kadali (Plaintain / Banana)
- Kharbuja (Musk Melon)
- Naranga (Orange)
- Narikela (Coconut)
- Nimbuka (Lemon)
- Panasa (Jackfruit)
- Peruka (Guava)
- Seva (Apple)

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Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

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And Nature will preserve Us,
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Last updated on Oct-2024

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