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Amra (Mango) - in sanskrit with meaning
Amra (Mango) - in sanskrit with meaning
Amra (Mango)
आम्रश्चूतो रसालोऽसौ सहकारोऽतिसौरभः ।
माकन्दः पिकबन्धुः स्याद्रसालः कामवल्लभः ॥१॥
Aamrash-Cuuto Rasaalo
[a-A]sau Sahakaaro-
[A]ti-Saurabhah |
Maakandah Pikabandhuh Syaad-Rasaalah Kaamavallabhah ||1||
1.1: Aamra (Mango) is called as
Cuta which is
Rasala (full of Juice),
Sahakara which is
Atisaurabha (very Fragrant), ...
1.2: ...
Pikabandhu (literally meaning friend of cuckoo),
is Rasala (as another name of Mango) and
Kamavallabha (literally meaning Desire's Favourite).
आम्रो ग्राही प्रमेहास्रकफपित्तव्रणाञ्जयेत् ।
तत्फलं बालमत्यम्लं रूक्षं दोषत्रयास्रजित् ॥२॥
Aamro Graahii Prameha-Asra-Kapha-Pitta-Vrannaan.jayet |
Tat-Phalam Baalam-Aty
[i]-amlam Ruukssam Dossa-Traya-Asra-Jit ||2||
2.1: Aamra (Mango) is
Graahi (
Both Dipana [stimulates appetite] and Pacana [helps in digestion], and by virtue of its Ushna Guna [or Virya] dries up the Moisture and helps in digestion) and
conquers (i.e. mitigates)
Prameha (
Urinary disorders including Diabetes),
Asra (
Blood or blood-related disorders),
Kapha (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Moon [Cooling Principle]. Its qualities are heaviness, coldness, oiliness etc),
Pitta (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Sun [Heating Principle]. The qualities are heat, sharp acting, fluidity etc) and
Vrana (
Ulcer, Sore).
2.2: Its Unripe Fruit is
very Amla (
Sour, Sourness, Acidity),
Ruksha (
Literally means Rough, Dry. It has the effect of Drying up) and
conquers (i.e. mitigates) the
three Doshas (
The Doshas [Humours] of Ayurveda which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha),
पक्वं तु मधुरं वृष्यं स्निग्धं हृद्यं बलप्रदम् ।
गुरु वातहरं रुच्यं वर्ण्यं शीतमपित्तलम् ।
रसस्तस्य सरः स्निग्धो रोचनो बलवर्णकृत् ॥३॥
Pakvam Tu Madhuram Vrssyam Snigdham Hrdyam Bala-Pradam |
Guru Vaataharam Rucyam Varnnyam Shiitamapittalam |
Rasas-Tasya Sarah Snigdho Rocano Bala-Varnna-Krt ||3||
3.1: Ripe Mango is
Madhura (
Sweet taste),
Vrysya (
Aphrodisiac, enhances Semen, improves Sexual vigour),
Snigdha (
Literally means Slippery, Unctuous, Oily. It has the effect of making Wet or Moistening),
Hrdya (
Good for the Heart), giver of
Bala (Strength), ...
3.2: ...
Guru (
Heavy, making Big or Fat),
remover (i.e. mitigator) of
Vata (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to Air (responsible for movement). The qualities are coldness, dryness, lightness etc),
Ruchya (
Stimulating Taste),
Varnya (
Improves Colour),
Shita (
Cold) and does
not aggravate
Pitta (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Sun [Heating Principle]. The qualities are heat, sharp acting, fluidity etc),
3.3: The
Juice of Mango is
Sara (
Purgative, Laxative, stimulates evacuation of bowels),
Snigdha (
Literally means Slippery, Unctuous, Oily. It has the effect of making Wet or Moistening),
Rocana (
Stimulating Taste) and improves
Bala (Strength) and
Varna (Colour),
सहकारं च वातघ्नं पित्तश्लेष्मविनाशनम् ।
कषायं मधुरं वृष्यं गुरु स्निग्धं विशेषतः ॥४॥
Sahakaaram Ca Vaata-Ghnam Pitta-Shlessma-Vinaashanam |
Kassaayam Madhuram Vrssyam Guru Snigdham Vishessatah ||4||
4.1: Sahakara (synonym of Mango)
kills (i.e. mitigates)
Vata (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to Air (responsible for movement). The qualities are coldness, dryness, lightness etc) and
destroys (i.e. mitigates)
Pitta (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Sun [Heating Principle]. The qualities are heat, sharp acting, fluidity etc) and
Sleshma (
Phlegm, Mucus, Kapha humour), ...
4.2: ... and it is
specially a combination of
Kashaya (
Astringent taste) and
Madhura (
Sweet taste), and it is
Vrysya (
Aphrodisiac, enhances Semen, improves Sexual vigour),
Guru (
Heavy, making Big or Fat) and
Snigdha (
Literally means Slippery, Unctuous, Oily. It has the effect of making Wet or Moistening).
पक्वाम्रं जनयेदायुर्मांसशुक्रबलप्रदम् ।
शुष्काम्रं तु कषायाम्लं भेदनं कफवातजित् ॥५॥
[A]amram Janayed-Aayur-Maamsa-Shukra-Bala-Pradam |
[A]amram Tu Kassaaya-Amlam Bhedanam Kapha-Vaata-Jit ||5||
5.1: Ripe Mango increases Ayu (duration of Life),
Flesh and
Semen and it
gives Strength,
5.2: Dried Mango is a combination of
Kashaya (
Astringent taste) and
Amla (
Sour, Sourness, Acidity), it is
Bhedana (
Expels Abaddha [not bound], Baddha [bound] or Pindita [solid mass] Mala [excretory substances] downwards) and
conquers Kapha (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to the Moon [Cooling Principle]. Its qualities are heaviness, coldness, oiliness etc) and
Vata (
A Dosha in Ayurveda which is compared to Air (responsible for movement). The qualities are coldness, dryness, lightness etc).
(from Madanapala Nighantu)
Note: Place the mouse over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
here to open the mouseover meanings in a new window.
Translated by greenmesg
List of Fruits:
Amra (Mango)
Dadima (Pomegranate)
Draksha (Grapes)
Jambu (Rose Apple)
Kadali (Plaintain / Banana)
Kharbuja (Musk Melon)
Naranga (Orange)
Narikela (Coconut)
Nimbuka (Lemon)
Panasa (Jackfruit)
Peruka (Guava)
Seva (Apple)