अथ प्रणामः ॥
Atha Prannaamah ||
Now we
salute the Gods and Saints.

ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥
Om Shriiganneshaaya Namah ||
Salutations to Sri

ॐ स्थापकाय च धर्मस्य सर्वधर्मस्वरूपिणे ।
अवतारवरिष्ठाय रामकृष्णाय ते नमः ॥
Om Sthaapakaaya Ca Dharmasya Sarva-Dharma-Svaruupinne |
Avataara-Varisstthaaya Raamakrssnnaaya Te Namah ||
1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) the
establisher (of the Spiritual Essence) of
Dharma (Religious Path); (Salutations to Him) Whose Life is the (True Essence) of
all Dharmas (Religious Paths).
2: Who is an
Incarnation in Whose Life Spirituality manifested itself with the
widest expanse and
deepest depth (at the same time); I offer my
Salutations to You, O

ॐ यथाग्नेर्दाहिका शक्तिः रामकृष्णे स्थिता हि या ।
सर्वविद्या स्वरूपां तां शारदां प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥
Om Yathaa-
[Aa]gner-Daahikaa Shaktih Raamakrssnne Sthitaa Hi Yaa |
Sarva-Vidyaa Svaruupaam Taam Shaaradaam Prannamaamy
[i]-Aham ||
1: Om, (Salutations to Sri Sharada Devi) Who,
like the
burning Power of
abides inseparably in
Sri Ramakrishna,
2: Who is of the
nature of the essence of
all wisdom; To
Her, to that
Sharada Devi,
I offer my

ॐ नमः श्रीयतिराजाय विवेकानन्द सूरये ।
सच्चित्सुखस्वरूपाय स्वामिने तापहारिणे ॥
Om Namah Shrii-Yati-Raajaaya Vivekaananda Suuraye |
Sac-Cit-Sukha-Svaruupaaya Svaamine Taapa-Haarinne ||
1: Om,
Salutations to the
king of
Monks, (Who is)
Swami Vivekananda, blazing like the
2: Who is of the
nature of the
Joy of
Sacchidananda (Brahman); (Salutations) to that
Swami, Who
removes the
miseries of Worldly life.

ॐ रामकृष्णगतप्राणं हनुमद्भाव भावितम् ।
नमामि स्वामिनं रामकृष्णानन्देति संज्ञितम् ॥
Om Raamakrssnna-Gata-Praannam Hanumad-Bhaava Bhaavitam |
Namaami Svaaminam Raamakrssnnaanande
[a-I]ti Samjnyitam ||
1: Om, (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishnananda) Whose heart was
immersed in the service of
Sri Ramakrishna,
driven by the
feeling of
Hanuman (in the service of Sri Rama),
2: I Salute that
Swami, Who is
called as
Ramakrishnananda (following the name of Sri Ramakrishna).

ॐ ब्रह्मानन्दादि_श्रीरामकृष्ण_पार्षदेभ्यो नमः ॥
Om Brahmaananda-
[A]adi_Shrii-Raamakrssnna_Paarssadebhyo Namah ||
Salutations to
Swami Brahmananda and
other companions of
Sri Ramakrishna.

ॐ सर्वेभ्यो गुरुभ्यो नमः ॥
ॐ सर्वेभ्यो देवेभ्यो नमः ॥
ॐ सर्वेभ्यो देवीभ्यो नमः ॥
ॐ सर्वेभ्यो_ऽवतारेभ्यो नमः ॥
ॐ सर्वेभ्यो आचार्येभ्यो नमः ॥
ॐ नमः परम_ऋषिभ्य ॐ नमः परम_ऋषिभ्यः ॥
Om Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo Namah ||
Om Sarvebhyo Devebhyo Namah ||
Om Sarvebhyo Deviibhyo Namah ||
Om Sarvebhyo_
[A]vataarebhyo Namah ||
Om Sarvebhyo Aacaaryebhyo Namah ||
Om Namah Parama_Rssibhya Om Namah Parama_Rssibhyah ||
1: Om,
Salutations to all the
Gurus (Spiritual Preceptors),
2: Om,
Salutations to all the
Devas (Gods),
3: Om,
Salutations to all the
Devis (Goddesses),
4: Om,
Salutations to all the
Avataras (Incarnations),
5: Om,
Salutations to all the
Acharayas (Spiritual Teachers),
6: Om,
Salutations to all the
great Rishis (Sages);
Salutations to all the
great Rishis (Sages).

अथ ध्यानम् ॥
Atha Dhyaanam ||
Now we
Meditate (on Sri Ramakrishna).

ॐ शान्ताकारं समाधौस्थितं अतुल_तनु_ज्योतिषा व्याप्त_देशम् ।
सिद्धेपीठे निषण्णं स्मितलसित_मुखं हर्षबाष्पाप्लुताक्षम् ॥
चार्वङ्गं स्वर्णवर्णं वरदमभयदं जीवनं सज्जनानाम् ।
देवाधीशं भजेहं ह्यगणितगुणिनं भक्तितो रामकृष्णम् ॥१॥
Om Shaanta-
[A]akaaram Samaadhau-Sthitam Atula_Tanu_Jyotissaa Vyaapta_Desham |
Siddhe-Piitthe Nissannnnam Smita-Lasita_Mukham Harssa-Baasspa-
[A]apluta-Akssam ||
[u]-Anggam Svarnna-Varnnam Varadam-Abhayadam Jiivanam Sajjanaanaam |
Deva-Adhiisham Bhajeham Hy
[i]-Agannita-Gunninam Bhaktito Raamakrssnnam ||1||
1.1: Om, (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) Who is
abiding in
Samadhi; He has a
Serene appearance; The
Divine Illumination from His
Incomparable Body is
filling the whole
1.2: He is
seated accomplished with all
Spiritual Attainments; Divine
Smile is
playing over His
Face, and
Tears of
Joy is filling His
1.3: His
Beautiful Form of
Golden Hue is the
giver of
Boons and
Fearlessness (from the World); He is the very
life of the
Virtuous people,
1.4: I
worship Sri Ramakrishna with
Devotion, Who is the
God of the
gods, and has
countless Divine Attributes.

ॐ ऐं सर्वदेवदेवी_स्वरूपाय सर्वधर्मस्वरूपाय सशक्तिकाय,
सभक्तवृन्दाय साङ्गोपाङ्गाय श्रीरामकृष्णाय नमो नमः ॥
Om Aim Sarva-Deva-Devii_Svaruupaaya Sarva-Dharma-Svaruupaaya Sa-Shaktikaaya,
Sa-Bhakta-Vrndaaya Saanggopaanggaaya Shrii-Raamakrssnnaaya Namo Namah ||
1: Om,
Aim, (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) Whose Divine Nature consists of the
essence of
all Gods and Goddesses, as well as the
essence of all Religious Paths; Who is
accompanied by His
Shakti (Sri Sharada Devi), ...
2: ... as well as the
Devotees and
Salutations again and again to
Sri Ramakrishna.

अथ पूर्वभागः ॥
Atha Puurvabhaagah ||
Now starts the
introductory part.

ॐ यं वैष्णवा विष्णुमुदाहरन्ति
शैवाः शिवं बुद्धमथापि बौद्धाः ।
तीर्थंकरं जैनजना महान्तं
तं रामकृष्णं परमं नमामः ॥१॥
Om Yam Vaissnnavaa Vissnnum-Udaaharanti
Shaivaah Shivam Buddham-Athaapi Bauddhaah |
Tiirthamkaram Jaina-Janaa Mahaantam
Tam Raamakrssnnam Paramam Namaamah ||1||
1.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna)
He, Who is
referred to as
Lord Vishnu by the
Vaishnavas, ...
1.2: ... and
Lord Shiva by the
Moreover, He Who is referred to as
Lord Buddha by the
Buddhists, ...
1.3: ... and
Tirthankara by the
Jains, To that
great ...
1.4: ...
Ramakrishna Who is
supreme, We
bow down at His Lotus Feet.

अमेयायातिमायाय ज्ञातलोकाय ते नमः ।
सर्वज्ञाय सुसत्त्वायाविज्ञाताय हि ते नमः ॥२॥
[A]ayaati-Maayaaya Jnyaata-Lokaaya Te Namah |
Sarvajnyaaya Susattvaaya-Avijnyaataaya Hi Te Namah ||2||
2.1: Salutations to
You, Who is the
immeasurable Who has
come down (taking a form through)
Maya, in this
World which can be
comprehended (through the senses),
2.2: Salutations to
You, Who
indeed is
omniscient and embodiment of
great Purity, Whose True Essence
cannot be known (through the senses).

लोकानां कार्यसिद्ध्यर्थम् अजायापि सुजन्मने ।
निर्गुणायापि देवाय गुणयुक्ताय ते नमः ॥३॥
Lokaanaam Kaarya-Siddhy
[i]-Artham Ajaaya-Api Su-Janmane |
Nirgunnaaya-Api Devaaya Gunna-Yuktaaya Te Namah ||3||
3.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) For the
purpose of
accomplishing the
works of the
People (i.e. to show them the way to the Divine), Who,
even though is
without Birth (i.e. is Birthless), has taken an
excellent Birth (i.e. taken a Human form in this World),
3.2: Salutations to
You, Who
even though is of
Divine origin
without Attributes, has taken a form
with Attributes (in His Human form) (for the sake of the People).

प्रसन्नाय प्रपन्नानां निरीहाय तपस्यते ।
अयनाय विरागाणां सच्चित्सुखाय ते नमः ॥४॥
Prasannaaya Prapannaanaam Niriihaaya Tapasyate |
Ayanaaya Viraagaannaam Sac-Cit-Sukhaaya Te Namah ||4||
4.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) Who is
Gracious to those who
Surrender to Him; Who brings the state of
Desirelessness to those who undertake
4.2: Who is the
place of Refuge to those who sublimate their
Salutations to
You (O Ramakrishna), You are the embodiment of the
Joy of
Sacchidananda (Brahman).

नमः शुद्धाय बुद्धाय नमः शुद्धतराय च ।
नमो बुद्धतरायाथ नित्यमुक्ताय ते नमः ॥५॥
Namah Shuddhaaya Buddhaaya Namah Shuddhataraaya Ca |
Namo Buddhataraaya-Atha Nitya-Muktaaya Te Namah ||5||
5.1: Salutations to You Who is
Pure and
Salutations to You Who is
Purer than the Pure (i.e. without any limits) and ...
5.2: ...
more Awakened than the Awakened (i.e. without any limits);
Salutations to
You (O Ramakrishna), You are

कर्मादि_योग_मार्गाणां समन्वय_विधायिने ।
धर्मद्वन्द्व_निहन्त्रे वै सर्वेश्वराय ते नमः ॥६॥
[A]adi_Yoga_Maargaannaam Samanvaya_Vidhaayine |
Dharma-Dvandva_Nihantre Vai Sarve
[a-Ii]shvaraaya Te Namah ||6||
6.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) Who
brought about Harmony in the various
Religious Paths like
Karma Yoga and others,
6.1: Who
destroyed the
strife among the various
Religious Paths (by showing that all of them lead to the same God known by various names);
Salutations to
You (O Ramakrishna), You are the embodiment of

विभोर्नामसहस्रं तद् रामकृष्णावतारजम् ।
रहस्यं हि रहस्यानामुत्तमानां तथोत्तमम् ॥७॥
Vibhor-Naama-Sahasram Tad Raamakrssnna-Avataarajam |
Rahasyam Hi Rahasyaanaam-Uttamaanaam Tatho(a-U)ttamam ||7||
7.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) The
Thousand Names of
God, (God)
Incarnated in the form of
Sri Ramakrishna, ...
7.2: ... is
Indeed the
Secret of the Secrets (i.e. most Subtle) and
Best of the Best (i.e. most Excellent).

पवित्राणां पवित्रं वै सर्वसन्ताप_हारकम् ।
भक्तैर्विवेकप्रमुखैर्द्योतितं किल मङ्गलम् ॥८॥
Pavitraannaam Pavitram Vai Sarva-Santaapa_Haarakam |
Bhaktair-Viveka-Pramukhair-Dyotitam Kila Manggalam ||8||
8.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) (Whose Thousand Names) are
Purer than the
Pure (i.e. have limitless Purity) and are the
remover of
all Sorrows (of the Devotees),
8.2: These Names (which describes the Qualities of Sri Ramakrishna) were brought to
light by the
foremost Devotees like
Vivekananda and others to bring
Auspiciousness in our lives.

मनः_शान्तिकरं पुण्यं मोक्षमार्ग_प्रवर्तकम् ।
प्रोच्यते सर्वलोकानां मोहनाशाय निर्मलम् ॥९॥
Manah_Shaanti-Karam Punnyam Mokssa-Maarga_Pravartakam |
Procyate Sarva-Lokaanaam Moha-Naashaaya Nirmalam ||9||
9.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) Those Thousand Names
make the
Mind Peaceful, are
Holy, and
advance the Devotees towards the
Path of
9.2: These are now
proclaimed among
all the
People to
destroy the
Delusions of the
Mind and bring out the inherent
Purity of the Soul.

गयाधाम_प्रभो_र्विष्णोरात्त_मानुष_विग्रहः ।
मङ्गलध्वनिभिः शङ्खैरावेदित_शुभागमः ॥१०॥
Gayaa-Dhaama_Prabho_r-Vissnnor-Aatta_Maanussa_Vigrahah |
Manggala-Dhvanibhih Shangkhair-Aavedita_Shubha-
[A]agamah ||10||
10.1: (Salutations to Sri Ramakrishna) The
Lord of the
Gaya Dhama (in the form of Vishnu) had
taken a
Human form (and manifested as Sri Ramakrishna),
10.2: By
Mangala Dhvani (Auspicious Sound) of
Shankha (Conch) was
announced His
Auspicious advent.

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here to open the mouseover meanings in a new window.
Translated by greenmesg