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Sanskrit Verb Conjugation Rules
Sanskrit Verb Conjugation Rules
What can I do with Sanskrit Verb Conjugation Rules?
- See verb conjugation process with examples.
How do I use the Sanskrit Verb Conjugation?
- Just select from the drop down.
Verb Conjugation Examples:
Abbreviations used:
- 1p (1st person)
- 2p (2nd person)
- 3p (3rd person)
- Abl (Abative Case)
- Acc (Accusative Case)
- Act (Active Voice)
- Aor (Aorist)
- Atm (Atmanepada)
- Ben (Benedictive Mood)
- Cond (Conditional Mood)
- Dat (Dative Case)
- du (dual)
- f (feminine)
- Gen (Genetive Case)
- Impf (Imperfect Past Tense)
- Impv (Imperative Mood)
- Ins (Instrumental Case)
- Loc (Locative Case)
- m (masculine)
- n (neuter)
- Nom (Nominative Case)
- Par (Parasmaipada)
- Pas (Passive Voice)
- Perf (Perfect Past Tense)
- PFut (Periphrastic Future Tense)
- pl (plural)
- Pot (Potential Mood)
- Prs (Present Tense)
- SFut (Simple Future Tense)
- sg (singular)
- Voc (Vocative Case)
Basic Concepts: |
Formation of Verbal Bases: |
Formation of Present Tense: |
Formation of Imperfect Past Tense: |
Formation of Imperative Mood: |
Formation of Potential Mood: |
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