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Sanskrit Dictionary Aid

What can I do with Sanskrit Dictionary Aid?

How do I use the Sanskrit Dictionary Aid?

  1. Initialize the Sanskrit Dictionary Aid by clicking the button "Click here to initialize Sanskrit Dictionary Aid"
  2. Enter the English alphabets in the English Box.
    Follow either the English-Sanskrit mapping given in Symbol Map or Harvard-Kyoto notation.
  3. The Sanskrit word is generated in the Sanskrit Box.
  4. Select the appropriate radio button option.
  5. Press the Lookup Words button.
    (The button gets enabled during first usage after initializing the Sanskrit Dictionary Aid)

1. English Box:

Unicode Chart Notation: ( Symbol Map, Example) Harvard Kyoto Notation

(Conversion happens as you type)

2. Sanskrit Box:

3. Approx. Transliteration Box:

4. HTML Code Box:

Find Sanskrit Sub-words within the specified word
Find some Sandhi combinations within the specified word
Find Sanskrit words Starting with the specified word
Find Sanskrit words Ending with the specified word
Find Sanskrit words Containing the specified word
Find whether the specified word exist within the Sanskrit Dictionary (Monier Williams)

You may be interested in the other Online Sanskrit Tools given below:
(The tools are sorted alphabetically):
01.Sanskrit Dictionary: Monier-Williams Sanskrit dictionary.
02.Sanskrit Dictionary Aid: Find sub-words within composite Sanskrit words.
03.Sanskrit English Pad: Write a combination of Sanskrit and English.
04.Sanskrit Noun Declension: Examples of Sanskrit Noun Declensions.
05a.Sanskrit Sandhi Rules: Sanskrit Sandhi Rules with examples.
05b.Sanskrit Sandhi Tool: Combine Sanskrit words.
06.Sanskrit Sentences: Examples of Sanskrit sentences with grammatical analysis.
07.Sanskrit Sorting Tool: Sort Sanskrit words online.
08a.Sanskrit Verb Conjugation Rules: Verb Conjugation Rules with examples.
08b.Sanskrit Verb Conjugation Tables: Verb Conjugation Tables with operation summary.
09a.Sanskrit Word List: Sanskrit words under different categories.
09b.Sanskrit Word Search: Sanskrit words used in stotras and verb conjugations are being consolidated here.
10. Sanskrit Writing Pad: Write Sanskrit using English.

Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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