ॐ वाङ् मे मनसि प्रतिष्ठिता ।
मनो मे वाचि प्रतिष्ठितम् ।
आविराविर्म एधि ।
वेदस्य म आणीस्थः ।
श्रुतं मे मा प्रहासीः ।
अनेनाधीतेनाहोरात्रान्सन्दधामि ।
Om Vaanga Me Manasi Pratisstthitaa |
Mano Me Vaaci Pratisstthitam |
Aavir-Aavir-Ma Edhi |
Vedasya Ma Aanniisthah |
Shrutam Me Maa Prahaasiih |
Anena-Adhiitena-Ahoraatraan-Sandadhaami |
1: Om,
My Speech is
Established in
Mind (i.e. My Speech which will recite the Vedas is concentrated on my Mind which will hear the Vedas),
2: My Mind is
Established in
Speech (i.e. My Mind which will hear the Vedas is concentrated on the Speech of the Preceptor),
3: Manifest,
may you be,
4: (The Truths) of the
Vedas embedded,
5: (The words of the Vedas)
heard by
me may
not leave me,
6: (But) By
this, By what has been
Studied, I will
join Days and Nights (i.e. I will reflect upon them over days and nights),
ऋतं वदिष्यामि ।
सत्यं वदिष्यामि ।
तन्मामवतु ।
तद्वक्तारमवतु ।
अवतु माम् ।
अवतु वक्तारम् ।
अवतु वक्तारम् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Rtam Vadissyaami |
Satyam Vadissyaami |
[t]-Maam-Avatu |
Tad-Vaktaaram-Avatu |
Avatu Maam |
Avatu Vaktaaram |
Avatu Vaktaaram |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
7: I Speak (about) the
Divine Law,
8: I Speak (about) the
9: May
that (Truth)
Move Me (i.e. May I be established in that Truth),
10: May
that (Truth)
Move the
Preceptor (i.e. May the Preceptor be established in that Truth),
11: May that (Truth)
Protect Me (i.e. May that Truth take me in its fold),
12: May that (Truth)
Protect the
Preceptor (May that Truth take the Preceptor in its fold),
13: May that (Truth)
Protect the
Preceptor (May that Truth take the Preceptor in its fold),
14: Om Peace,

Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
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Translated by greenmesg